Hamad International Airport Pictures
Hamad International Airport is the international airport facility currently in Doha, capital of Qatar.
Formerly known as New Doha International Airport (NDIA), Hamad International Airport was originally slated to replace the old Doha International Airport as Qatar's only international airport in 2009, but after a series of costly delays, the opening is set for 2014.
Good One
Welcome back old friend!
Also there was no reference to Doha News which was the source and where you lifted the images from.
I don't mind my images being run on QL, but why have you removed the links to my Flickr account and replaced them with your own? This means you have copied them from my Flickr account and uploaded them to your myimagefree.com account which is in breach of my copyright. Not really the way to go about doing things. If you had emailed me I would have given you permission to use my images but only with my Flickr links intact.