Ok...anyone out there with a First1 television set? A friend of mine's tv just got locked and he had already thrown out the manual(yeah I know...don't go there!!) was hoping someone actually still had a manual so we could find out how to unlock it. I've tried checking with Google and can't find the company listed anywhere, much less the manual.
So, can any of you nice QLers help me out with this??
Thanks ever so much,
that NOTHING will work on this tv...pushing the romote buttons do absolutely nothing. sigh..well guess he will have to deal with a blue screen with a little red lock on the left hand corner!! Thanks for any and all help, y'all!!
Corleone is right...its very cheap!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
try 0000 or 00000 or 12345 or 012345
its a really cheap tv set u can get for maybe 250-300 QR. not sure if its available now tho