Dark side of Ideal indian School
4th march - rsults for 11th std announced.
Around 40 to 50 boys have been detained from may be 100 or 120 boys..
While MES Indian school have prompted all of them though the performance is equal to the boys taht have been detained in ideal indian school.
These boys are not losing money or something, the are losing there one whole precious year!!!...some of them are 2 years...THIS IS UNFAIR !!
Can somebody help PLEASEE PLEASE
maclover...Ideal School
Its not possible.
The promotion to the next class is based on a certain average marks the students ought to get. If they get below the said level they are "Detained" in the same Standard.
Have they failed the students who have done well in their Term Exams? I dont think so.
I Understand most of the Indian students here have their parents working longhours, most of the fathers work 12 to 16 hrs. The kids have no one to turn to in case of any doubts in maths, science or geography. Languages are a little more straight forward. Add to this mess the Indian Wifes addiction to Malayalam TV SERIALS which start from 4pm till 10pm.
Maclover if your kids are not studying well I guess its time to throw your TV in the Dustbin. (You cannot expect to schedule timings with a grownup child -your wife).
well if their marks are not good they will surely be denied promotion to a higher class. whats so unjust about that?
Dont blame the school for that. Blame the system which forces them to do that.
And this is common in all the Indian schools anywhere in the world.
I've read a lot of different types of English before, but this takes the biscuit.
Maclover, I have absolutely no idea what the thread above is asking.
Would you please edit it so we could understand what you're asking?
Mariam-mar by detained, he means that they were not promoted to the next class as they failed to pass the annual exam. It does not mean they were physically detained.
Must be a reason why they was detained- don't want to be involved in that.
Whatta? The School administration don't have the right to detain students, they maybe suspended or failed but not to be detained. Someone should call the authority for these inhumane action...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Caught cheating...must pay price...don't want to.
MacLover, Why where the boys detained? I guess it was based on their performance, In which case this is the right action. What help do you want.