Here is a new game ....
Guys +2 / girls -2
The game is simple and easy...
Here you go...
you have to do is.. every boy that comes to this thread adds 2 (means
Number +2) and every girl subtracts 2 (means NUmber -2)
and I start with "50"
if guys hit 100 they win
if girls hit 0 they win, simple
If one of the either side has won the game, a new game must be
immediately started (but not by the same person who just won the last
game). The next round again starts at 50.
2) Consecutive hits
by same person is not allowed, meaning if I hit first then I will not
able to hit again until another person hits (either girl or guy). Let's
50 + 2 = 52; guys around...take it forward...girls are always 0 ;)
age is just a number, depends on the maturity of the mind!
I have the impression you are younger.
Excuse my old age. Cannot remember things properly
100/4= 25-5/2=10x0=0..
galz won
100 end
imraisin high(60+2=62)is it right????
Im the one and only
back to my 60 again
So are the girls going to win?
52- yeeehahahaaa
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
54 guess im getting younger!
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
i get older by the second
Moderator - you are at your level best to delete the Posts :)
54+2 = 58
If someone doesnt have enough brain to be creative/productive, he/she should leave the area clean for something productive, something with purpose...
get some life.
When you're through changing, you're through.
im serious [player
52 + 2 = 54
To Live Is To Die.....
48+2= 50 ....i guess
They are not asking about your age
ghina. You posted twice.
add 2 for me
AM 50
58 again ..
No fooling around this is a serious game
62 (lost really)
52 (am i correct??)
...worship the Creator, not His creation...