How do we pay our respects?
From web based reports, more than 100 people have been killed, including nine foreigners and over 300 have been injured in a series of well-coordinated terrorist attacks in Mumbai. The terror-hit city came to a virtual standstill on Thursday with trains running almost empty and streets wearing a deserted look.
I'm sure Indians the world over are appalled, saddened, upset, worried with the current situation that prevails over their commercial capital.
I wonder how it affects the Indians not living in India (NRI's), or does it even have any affect on them. For me personally, I feel upset and it puts me in a rage to see acts of terror like this being committed. But I bet my big brown A, being a Thursday here in Doha, you will find Cloud Nyn packed to capacity tonight with more than 80% of the Indian crowd, who don't give a rats A about what is going on in Mumbai, as long as their families etc. are safe.
I'm not gonna drink and get wasted tonight, nor do anything today that is even remotely fun, but stay tuned to the news (it means i'm not working either... sssghh!!!)
Let's hear what you other Indian folks will be doing tonight. Others are welcome to comment too.
P.S. - Hijacking allowed :-D!!!
You're right.. Old age is a terrible thing :)
You can pay your respects by praying for them...
Britexpat... I would read that as respects... lol!
Drink water dont drink tea(Karaak)
Don`t Love me be my friend