How to lose fat (according to Dr. Oz)
I was watching Dr. Oz and he gave a bunch of tips. Yes some might be known but the reason behind it isn't. I also included a bit of my own advice.
1) Fiber. Eat ALOT of Fiber (Fibre) and you'll be able to half the time it takes for you to use the bathroom.
2) Calcium, 12,000 mg of Calcium can help DOUBLE the amount of fat you excrete.
3) Eating 5 small meals a day helps increase metabolism. (I eat tuna, chicken breast, brown pasta and brown rice, fruits and vegetables).
4) Vitamin supplements. (I personally use Anogen Gold).
5) If you have a low fat or diet alternative, take it! The questions is, why not?
6) Cut out the gaseous drinks. Carbonated drinks with high sugar and acid confuse your stomach.
7) Eat 5kg a day! That includes fruit and vegetable mostly. I eat bananas, apples, etc.. as snacks. This will reduce cholesterol by 25% in 10 days, and reduce blood pressure by 10%. People doing so lost 5kg of fat!
8) The main meal of the day is breakfast. If you don't eat it, you'll suffer. This is an important meal because you're telling your body "hey! I'm up! Time to get the stomach in gear!"
I was a Brazilian Ju Jitsu coach in the UK for two years and I'm now a member of the Marriot Hotel gym, I go there 3 days a week for 2 hour sessions and swim twice a week.
During my final year of university I focused on studies and ignored exercise and healthy eating, so I'm starting from scratch and starting over. I recommend joining one and ALWAYS get a gym buddy :)
i agree with misty rain... it has nothing more to do with the fact that you need to be active...
watching what you eat is a big factor but even if you watch what you eat but never go do anything or just sit around watching tv... you will never loose a pound
Eating less calorie than you burn each day is the key to lose weight.
Drink a glass of warm water before each meal
Eat less fatty food
Eat lots of vegetables
Eat fruits instead of junk fried food
Those of you who cannot control their mind to ignore their fav junk: Select a day of the week when u will eat your fav junky and dont even think about it for rest of the week. :)
Be active
walk 15-20min everyday
dance with your favorite song
Be crazy, jump around, breath and enjoy your life.
Dont just sit around and think why am i not losing weight?
@->->-- Smile!!!
"Never let someone to be your priority while letting yourself only be their option"
I was just being humourous Canarybird :) The point I was trying to make is to eat food in it's most natural state as possible. Raw food has the most benefits. I think everyone can eat raw fruit and veg everyday at least and avoid fried foods.
And everyone can walk on a daily basis.
I don't fly to Paris every time I eat a petit gateau citron. I just wish I did.
Love is the answer...
If you swim everyday obviously there is a pool available.
Whose is making your breakfast?
Whos is making your lunch?
Who is doing your shopping?
Who is flying your plane to Paris??
What if you can't afford this lifestyle??
Agree with Jasskat...burn more calories than you eat.
Food should be nutritious and as natural as possible. Brown rice, brown bread and brown pasta. Lots of colourful vegetables. steam the vegetables. Olive oil. Lemon. Raw juices. Eat raw vegetables with every meal to help digestion. Lean meat. Lots of fish. Soya products to cut down on dairy.
Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper.
As far as exercise, I swim every day. keeps me trim and fit :)
Oh yeah, and every once in a while indulge yourself! My indulgence is petit gateau citron, preferably eaten in Paris :) _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
the best way to loose weight is to burn more calories than you eat :D
Self control and discipline are the hard part, otherwise everyone would be in shape!
tra la la
LOOOOL Vegas, I was drinking some water as I read that and almost spit it out.
Pure Whey Protein gives me the shyts...LOL
Just remember slow and steady...
Everyone wants to do it too quick...
Supplements are a waste of time.
You go on vacation for a month and come back a skeleton.
Eating six times a day, high protein diet is the best thing for muscle gain...And yes, Whey protein can be a couple of those meals if you can stomache it...
Good luck everyone...:)
it's not an obsession I just forgot :S... relax...
lol... i remember this your obsession with me being a guy since long time ago…lol… you still do not believe that I am GAL not GUY???…
wierd ppl out here today.. one calls me "bro", other asks me if I am male or amnesia called me guy...Hold on ppl, let me ask my boyfriend who i am...I bet he knows for sure... unless he is.. ooooops! I am in trouble!!!
during the the theory behind that one zoso...
If you rotate your meal style counterclockwise, means take breakfast food in the dinner, dinner food in lunch and lunch in breakfast, you will loose about 30 pound in 6 month
Simple formula, consume less calory and burn more
guy I'm not being rude :S
I was quoting the guy exactly....
the problem with web forums is that it's hard for people to read the tone of the message. Take my word for it, I was not being rude to you, I was trying to explain...
__________________________ you have to be rude? I just was kidding.. but your sense of humor is obviously dammed.. actually,I have noticed it long time ago...
well according to what I'm watching right now, you DO get bloated in the first week because of gases inside you but it then passes.
For me, I don't think I'd follow the 5 kilo rule, simply because I eat 2kg max and if I ate more, I'd probably vomit during exercise. :P
and I definitely cannot eat 5 kilo a day!! 5 kilo it's 1/5 of me... I still push myself to finish these 5 kilo anyway?? And than - what? I will loose weight? i think I will look like balloon...DO you want me to die, amnesia?? .. I know we had some arguments before..but... nooo
Yes indeed :) 5 small meals.
It's proven Qatarisun.
I eat tuna, chicken breast, brown rice, fruits, vegetables etc.. I'm 5.8, 64 kilos and definately not fat :)
As for the 5kg theory, if you switch to MBC 4 right now, you can catch the Dr's advice. (on Oprah)
Time to build muscle and look fit!
Ignore all of those muscle enhancing supplements. They're temporary and they'll mess up your life.
The only thing I advise is Pure Whey Protein. It's good for you because it helps you bulk up a bit and at the same time, give you a lean look.
I don't want to be like those body builders that can't bend their joints. So make sure you take nothing more! Whey protein is also good because it doesn't build fat if you don't exercise.
STRETCH!! Always make sure stretch yourself before and after exercising. You want to make sure you're flexible and healthy looking, not fake and beefy.
3) "Eating 5 small meals".. FIVE???? even SMALL!! You must be kidding...
That's why guys getting fat, it's after they read this kind of reccommendation!!
7) "Eat 5kg a day?"..I will die if I eat 5 kilo a day!! At the same
update, want to lose stress and wrinkles?
1) Fish! Fish has DHA, DHA is also known as Omega 3. I didn't realize this until years after I did this, but fish eyes are good for you! I love eating them, they have a TON of concentrated DHA. This makes you smarter and reduces your stress levels.
2) Pate and Jams, get the fresh stuff! This is already broken down for you, so your body doesn't need to work as hard! Your skin needs moisture and various vitamins to tighten. You're basically feeding your skin.
3) Glucose tablets. You can find them in the sweets section sometimes. Your body breaks everything down to glucose. Eating the tablets is good for you because it tastes likes sweets AND you're giving your body raw energy.