How much would you pay to use QL?
Qatar beckoned. A land unknown. Almost an alien culture even for many Muslims. No friends no relatives no comrade in arms. There was an excitement of working in a new land, a land of plenty, offering so much. Dreams of a better life , dreams of building a future. But for many it was also an escape.
Weeks slip by and the dreams face stark realities. The money may be good but the soul is parched. A yearning for some laughter, fun and friendship (and Frieeeendshipp too). To share victories and to get support in difficulties. To have a more meaningful life rather than being a robot that works and gets paid. There must more to life than this??
Chance upon QL and within days new friends, people to share thoughts, desires and the laughter is back. The sunshine is back in life. It grows to be an obsession. QL offers everything that was longed for. Even before one can say good morning to boss it is Howdy at QL. Every moment that can be spared is for QL.
So when one is getting so much from QL what would you pay to use this??How much are the friends, the laughter, the fun and 'brain exercise'worth to you??
All this upgrading is causing huge howls of protest. It may be meant for every one to realize how much QL means in everyone's day to day life. It may be a precursor to becoming a paid site.
Thoughts anyone??