Hurricane Ike - 'The day After Tomorrow' ....
This photo of Hurricane Ike is taken thru Satellite Camera (Source: BBC.Com date: 13.09.08) ....
Photo from BBC.COM... Hurricane Ike
Those people who have watched the movie 'The Day After Tomorrow". You may recall those Satellite images shown in the movie is the same as Hurricane Ike images shown today .... This movie was release in the May 2004 ....
Photo from the movie 'The Day After Tomorrow'
more photos from the movie here:
Is this movie realistic?
Interesting article:
my hubby just went through it...He was down near Houston when it hit...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
FOXMOVIES in nilesat... scary if it's gonna happen
Really see natures fury