I Have My Interview Next Week
For a British company, in England for people I have worked with before and I know and trust [mostly].
The job is mine so the interview is to sort out the "non technical side".
I.E. salary etc.
I will be coming alone for the first year with a view to the family following next year.
What I would like from you fine people is some guideance about what I should be asking about.
Obviously I will be asking about the cash and my accomodation, I also understand I will have private medical cover, I think 3 - 4 flights home a year and living expenses.
What is likely to catch me out?
A good start and just off the top of my head it is worth determining:
Will they supply a car, or give you a car allowance?
Will they cover school fees, and for how many kids?
Will they cover all amenities? (check everything is covered, when we were first interviewed we were told amenities were covered, but once landed the contract stated "free amenities" which we were then told only covered 80%. Had it said "Full Free" we would not have had to cough up anything) *Dont quote me on the terms but it was something like that.
In terms of accomodation are they providing housing themselves or is it a housing allowance, in which case what are they willing to pay per month for a home (as you will see in other threads rental costs are high).
Well hope this gets you started, im sure others will have some more to add to this. Good luck.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
I haven't worked abroad before.
I hope that wasn't a bomb though.