Input needed!
Hi all! I'm yet another newbie in need of your expertise. I'll be arriving in Doha soon. I've been reading this site for a while now and i can't tell you how helpful it's been. Thanks guys!
Reading about the high cost of living has me worried though. Do you guys think i can live comfortably on my salary? I'm getting paid 11,500 a month. My employer covers my rent and provides me with health insurance and flights. I'm single- no dependants. My main expenses will be car payments i guess. Also cable, internet, utilities and the usual. I want to drive a decent car (nissan, toyota), join a health club and eat out two or three times a week at a reasonably nice restaurant. I don't cook much, so was hoping to live on cheap takeout the rest of the time. Don't know if that's possible in Doha. So what are your thoughts...will i be comfortable or will it be a struggle?
Glad to be helpfull.
Usually when you install a satellite dish system, you need to program the decoder. You will get two types of channels:
First type (which I use) is free-to-air, this includes all channels (tv and radio) that are free. Mind you this is legal and no piracy is involved.
Second type(I never use coz I don't need) includes the paid channels which would require periodic payments to be able to receive the such channels.
Personally I am enjoying the FTA and never needed to subscribe in any bouquet of channels.
Would you like to inquire about anything else, plz feel free to post either here or send a private message.
Thanks Kelly's Heroes. Very helpful info! Forgive my ignorance, but what is free-to-air satellite. In terms of programming,how is this different from cable?
Wish you a nice stay in Qatar and lots of fun.
Have been checking the figures provided by PM. Guess they are on the very high side.
Would like to elaborate and review the fugures:
1. Car. Depends on the size of the car (saloon or 4x4). Also if the car is brand new or pre-owned. Anyhow, the monthly cost would vary from 1000 to 3000 per month depending also on the number of instalments.
2. Phone/internet: you would be fine with 500 monthly unless you use your mobile phone heavily
3. Cable: I have no idea about the cost. Personally I am using Free-to-air satellite. One time cost of 1000 max
4. Grocery: should be less than 2500 if you dine our frequently. Mind you, need to add cost of alcoholic drinks.
5. Dining out/clubbing: Dining vary from 25 to 200 per transaction. Clubbing should be something between 50 and 100 per transaction.
Hope I have covered everything.
So much for a taxless salary! And so true about not supporting the reasons for it in the first place. Funding education and health care i support, but i totally agree about not wanting to fund this ludicrous war. Politics aside, if you factored out the taxes (no, not planning on tax evasion, just trying to get a picture of my offer)would the offer be ok? Meaning 11,500 sans taxes?
...why do some Americans have to pay taxes while others claim they don't?
As a non resident Canadian I'm tax free and loving it.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Wow PM! Thanks for the honesty. I already signed the contract so I guess I'm going to have to make it work. Should have done more research before I guess. Are there any items in particular that are extra costly there that maybe I should bring with me? Electronics etc? Good luck with your job search by the way.
Thanks Dweller for welcoming me, Jameson for commiserating, Darude for your input and Rock the Casbah for making me clarify. I feel like I'm giving an oscar speech! Anyhow, I'll keep checking for more responses. All opinions are appreciated so please keep them coming.
QR! Wish it were dollars!
If they will cover the rent other then the pay which is 11500 fine the agree to it.
ur club membership will be for one year u have to pay once
car you can get through bank vehicle loan
internet cable mobile telephone wont cost you more then 1500 per month i believe.
there are alot of restaurants in town depends what ur choice is.
being new to a place sure u will struggle in the begining but once u get used to it u will like it.
Like dweller said .. You have to wait for the experts... I will be watching this topic because Im in the same situation that You are.
As I was reading your post I was thinking: " I feel the same...!"
And Im looking forward to see the future comments.
I leave it to someone else actually living in Qatar to reply to your questions.