In 2012 Movie, Meteor is the culprit of the calamity...according to information from astronomer there is a Meteor called "LEONID" Shower tonight that can be seen clearly from Indonesia, India and North America as the best view.......But there is a possibility that thismeteor size is bigger than a normal Meteor shower. If the Statosphere and ionospher and Ozone can not break these Meteor then a disaster can happen in place where this Meteor crush.... Therefore to people in Indonesia, India and North America let's pray nothing will happen seriously...:(( But I can't imagine if this Meteor falls into RasGas or Qatar Gas LNG Tanks...wow how bad it is the impact of catasthropic failure..I can't imagine it. scarry.:((
This is the cut of article from MSN website today:
Nov. 18 early a.m., Asia/India/Indonesia
The "Main Event" in 2009 is expected to take place when the Earth has rotated about 12 to 14 hours after passing through the first round of comet dust from 1567. Astronomers Jeremie Vaubaillon (France), Mikhail Maslov (Russia), David Asher (Ireland), and Bill Cooke and Danielle Moser (NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office/MEO) are all in agreement that material that was ejected from the nucleus of Tempel-Tuttle during the years 1466 and 1533 will likely produce a very strong meteor display over much of Asia, India and Indonesia.
There is a high level of confidence that an outburst of bright meteors will occur. This is based mainly on the fact that last year, Earth encountered material that was shed by the comet in 1466 produced about 100 Leonids per hour. This year, Earth will cross through that same 1466 stream again, but much closer to the center of that particular comet cloud. In addition, at about the same time, the Earth will also be passing through dust ejected by the comet in 1533. The consensus forecast among the astronomers for this year suggests rates of anywhere from 130 to perhaps 300 Leonids per hour, but trying to hash out a specific number when two different streams literally coalesce with each other makes a forecast much more difficult to make; it could even be less or it could be much more.
The Earth is expected to pass through the densest parts of the two dust clouds at around 21:40 GMT on Nov. 17, though heavy meteor activity is possible for about an hour or two on either side of this time.
From much of Asia, India and Indonesia, the corresponding calendar date will be Nov. 18. It will be 12:40 a.m. in Moscow; 3:10 a.m. in Mumbai; 4:40 a.m. in Jakarta and 5:40 a.m. in Beijing, Unfortunately from Tokyo and across Australia, the sun will have already risen, effectively hiding the meteor outburst. Conversely, from Europe it will be after sunset on Tuesday evening, but although it will be nighttime, Leo will have not yet risen above the horizon, so the outburst will not visible.
Oh Paul, I must have seen 2012 Part 2 and Independence day :-))
“The fool speaks, the wise man listens”
I'll be driving out to the sand dunes to see if I can catch any!
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Red '92 YJ Laredo
4.0 L AMC 242, no rear-trac bar
Future mods: Lift and wheels, paintjob, foglights
I will be sleeping. let me know tomorrow what happened?
It was not a Meteor that caused the carnage in the movie 2012. It was the heating of the earth core by particles released during a solar flare.
You have more chance of being hit by a landcruiser tonight than a meteor........oh hang on !
12.40 AM in Doha Qatar.
what metoer is....i always hear and even study this only in science..