Love encompasses all...
Love encompasses all
The enternal end of our closeness
Metaphor of our being,
Your beauty beacons,
Inevitable inflictions,
How sweetly befall,
Love encompasses all
with the break of dawn,
Dewdrops shine on rose petals,
A moth hover around the tree branch
The flower,moth,turbulent oceans
Serenity,rise and fall,
Love encmpasses all
For the dreams we shared???
For the plans we carved???
But waves do not stop,
On the threshold of time
In the dance of dust,
Colours fade away fast,
Impressions do not last
Clouds vanish on horizon,
Shrinking distances enthrall
Love ecompasses all....
This poem,s writer is Amjad Islam Amjad...
Nice, are these words your own self expression?