Medical test regarding TB ,Help me Plz
Urgently begging your advise. I have available only a week to take decision .
I am in a process to work as an Accountant in Qatar . I have undergone a medical Test . Medical report has given unfit certificate to work abroad. Reason is CXR Lt SIDED OLD P.T .
Three years ago , my doctor diagnosed P.T (TB) through chest X-ray . It was at preliminary stage . I have undergone a six month long full treatment . All my previous X-ray flims are available to me.
As it was old P.T and properly treated . Is there any way to get Visa in Qatar to work. Please give me if any kind of information available to you and help me .
If I enter in Qatar after getting Medical certificate ,Will I be deported Immediately after diagnosing this in Qatar.
Is T.B test mendatory for all types of foreign employees in Qatar?
Your advise or information will be very helpfull for me.
Urgently need .
there are medicines to treat ur condition. there's isoniazid, rifampicin, etc.
Check out this thread....
Live Free or Die
with TB no way, i have seen this problem with someone, he got refused,