Move - ps3
Sony PlayStation Move Bundle Arrives in September
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 02:55 AM | Samuel Axon
Sony's PlayStation 3 game console is getting a Wii-like motion controller called PlayStation Move next month, and the company just announced a PS3 bundle that includes both an updated version of the console and the equipment you need to play the motion games.The box carries a slim PS3 console with 320 GB of storage, plus the camera and controller needed to support one Move player. It also comes with a suite of Move games called PlayStation Move Sports Champions — it's sort of Sony's snazzy, HD answer to Wii Sports.The bundle will go on sale in the U.S. September 19 for $399, and September 15 in Europe for €349. That's the same date for the launch of the Move controller sans console, so intrigued, would-be Move gamers who don't already own PS3s won't have to wait for this deal.The price seems appropriate, given the cost of the standalone PS3 systems and Move equipment. The savings aren't mindblowing, but it's not a lackluster deal either.Oh, and in case you're not interested in this motion gaming thing (maybe you think it's all a fad?), Sony also revealed a new, 160 GB slim PS3 bundle that doesn't include any of the Move stuff. That one's already on sale in the United States for $299, and it will hit Europe at €299 this October.
since my ps3 60gb is still working..i just get that move console when mine is totally spoiled!
ooo lala...looking forward for it!!
good info....heavy on pocket!