MUTANT pigs to make donor organs for humans

By britexpat

Labour peer Robert Winston says he is ready to start breeding genetically modified porkers with “humanised” organs.

He believes these are less likely to be rejected by patients’ bodies.

And the fertility expert, who will launch his programme in Missouri, US, hopes it will answer the shortage of donor organs.

Critics fear transplants could transfer animal viruses to man.

He believes these are less likely to be rejected by patients’ bodies.

The Sun..(who else)

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 13:32



By britexpat• 9 Sep 2008 13:28

I go along about Gary Glitter. The man looks too smarmy and I loathe him..

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 13:21

The scene where they remove his liver....easy, just hold down the jailbirds and away yer go.And if the jailbird is in severe pain for a few minutes before he dies , then even better.

First up, Gary Glitter !!



By britexpat• 9 Sep 2008 13:13

I won't mention the hipocratic oath that you took, but using live prisoners as organ donors may be a tad difficult..

By Fatcat• 9 Sep 2008 12:35


By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 12:05

Uhhoohh, just asking for trouble mixing animal and human cells in my opinion anyway....use prisoners for research I say and leave the animals in peace!!!

By britexpat• 9 Sep 2008 12:00

The Uk is already a world leader in stem cell research.

india and Japan are also working hard on it. India is actually offering "cures" using stem cells.

I think George W has blocked government funding for stem cell research, but private enterprises can carry on.

By Scarlett• 9 Sep 2008 10:13

yep pigs DO have corkscrew members...and the females do have very long orgasms...but then again, the males last quite a long time, also. Had to take animal reproduction in college, in which we collected semen for artificial insemination, from all farm animals...needless to say..pigs were NOT my favorite, as of all the hooved animals which last MAYBE 4-5 minutes, tops..pigs could go on for 15+...I won't go into HOW it was collected...let's just say it wasn't like the others that you could use a blow up sleeve/container. Hoipefully they've invented something by now tho!!

As far as the harvesting of organs from pigs...I'm just glad to see they are working on things that will help save lives. Now if they can just get Bush to stop blocking stem cell research...we might just find a cure for paralysis and other life threatening diseases.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.

By tallg• 9 Sep 2008 09:47

lol Mis-Cat! Never foget the Barnacle. I found it stuck with me quite well! HaHa! (Thank you very much. I'm here all day :-)

By janeyjaney• 9 Sep 2008 09:44

Welcome back!! You back in Qatar??

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:41

i was about to ask the same, MP.. you beat me to it... lol

By Mis-Cat• 9 Sep 2008 09:40

yeah I forgot about that one, probably because while an animal it's not an animal that most can relate too...:)

"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:40

Anyway, how did we go from Pigs organs and transplants to talking about Willies and sex....The crazy world of QL



By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:37

The average GPA of the Republican Party Candidates is below the average of a moose and cockroach from the jail cell from the Hanoi Hilton all together.

At least the average GPA of the Democratic Party Candidate is 4.00, graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school.

The problem is that half of those republicans that support MCcain and the american Putin(pullin), their brains are the size of a dingleberry.


By Mis-Cat• 9 Sep 2008 09:36

Gypsy - that's true, but it is mainly only the male of the species that has been observed doing it and they believe it is less for the pleasure and more for the marking of territory.

britexpat - I do get out, but believe in the principal of making the most of ever minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year, you'll be surprised at what you learn, what you can achieve and how much more alive you feel when you do this.

Mr Paul - No that just makes you human, show a person that really truly doesn't like it and I'll show you "The Lochness Monster"

"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:34

im sure MP, meant opposites... :)

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:34

NO QT, i dont.



By tallg• 9 Sep 2008 09:32
Rating: 3/5

Actually Mis-Cat, I believe the longest todger in the animal kingdom, relative to body length, is the barnacle's. It can be 7 times longer than their body.

The blue whale has the physically biggest - 1.8 to 3 metres long and around 45cm in girth.

By QT• 9 Sep 2008 09:31
QT you?


By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:30

lol MP......

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:29



By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:29

nice one mis-cat...

By britexpat• 9 Sep 2008 09:28

You really need to get out more..:o)

By Gypsy• 9 Sep 2008 09:27

Gorillas also masturbate...I read that in the Diane Fossey book.

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:27


By Mis-Cat• 9 Sep 2008 09:26

Did you know that Dolphins and Bonobos apes of the Congo are the only other animals on earth that have sex for pleasure. In the case on the bonobos they will also masturbate and have same sex relations to achieve this...

"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:26



By QT• 9 Sep 2008 09:24

...that excites you, you'll pass out from lack of blood to the brain!

From what I gather, not much blood get's up there to start with!


By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:22

so im doing something right.



By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:20

lol mis-cat, dont stop...we might learn new interesting bits and pieces... :)

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:19



By Mis-Cat• 9 Sep 2008 09:17

Although a pigs todger might be corkscrew shaped and on the small side, a female pigs orgasm last for 30mins, so the male of the species must be doing something right....But if you really want to compare who has the longest todger in the animal kingdom as per body ratio then it is an armadillo who's todger is 3/4 of it's body length......I gotta stop watching animal planet...

"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.

By britexpat• 9 Sep 2008 09:12

I can't say anything, because like Russell Brand, i would be accused of Anti Americanism..

This is a chance for you all to stand up and show your disdain for this duo by voting for Obama..

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:10

A heart doctor has given a patient a transfusion of pig's blood in an operation that may pave the way for animal-to-human organ transplants.Dr. Dhaniram Baruah, a London surgeon, injected more than half a pint of the blood into a man suffering from severe anemia.Baruah, 50, says he has developed a method of preventing the rejection of animal tissue by the human body, and hopes to continue research on animal donors in human medicine.

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 09:10

A heart doctor has given a patient a transfusion of pig's blood in an operation that may pave the way for animal-to-human organ transplants.Dr. Dhaniram Baruah, a London surgeon, injected more than half a pint of the blood into a man suffering from severe anemia.Baruah, 50, says he has developed a method of preventing the rejection of animal tissue by the human body, and hopes to continue research on animal donors in human medicine.

By QT• 9 Sep 2008 09:09


By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 09:07


Is There any hope to transplant common sence and good hudgement to any of the supporters of the maverick and the moose eater lady from those pigs?


By britexpat• 9 Sep 2008 08:55

If its corkscrew shaped, then you can use it also to open bottels of wine...

Going back to the TOPIC, initially the focus was on using baboons or chimps because they are closer to humans on the evolutionary ladder. However, many complained on ethical grounds.

For some reason, Pig livers are very similar to human livers and they would be simple to raise. Also, as pointed out, pig heart valves have been successfully used in humans for many years.

By azilana7037• 9 Sep 2008 08:43

as the muscle fibers and tissues have little difference with the human...

However, the only obstacle this endeavor would have is from the religious sects/groups (like Jehovah's Witness, for one)

By the way, how can they "humanize" a pig's organ? And the word "mutant"? Hmmmm...that would definitely elicit a response from the public...

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 08:42

"A team from the Weizmann Institute of Science has offered evidence that transplanted embryonic tissue could one day help the body to overcome genetic diseases.

The scientists have demonstrated for the first time how tissues transplanted from pig embryos might, in the future, be able to induce the human body to produce blood-clotting proteins for hemophilia patients and other critical substances."^l1508&enPage=BlankPage&enDisplay=view&enDispWhat=object&enVersion=0&enZone=Health

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 08:40

First, the teenager mutant turtles movie, second the mutant pigs, then, the stew moose meat woman eater from Alaska.

Hell, it must be the republican propaganda with their mutant so called Christians from Hell, preaching and insinuating the Iraq war is a godly conflict and it is the duty of every American to defend.

Freaking mutant republicans! Those that support the republican candidacy must be transplanted those pigs parts, specially the brain matter, maybe they will grow some intelligence and some common sense.


By Vegas• 9 Sep 2008 08:39

You can't teach experience...

By Fatcat• 9 Sep 2008 08:34

And Mr P, there's no need to be ashamed. It's the magic that you can do with the wand that's important, not the want itself...

By Fatcat• 9 Sep 2008 08:33

Mr P... You're the one who implied you wanted a corkscrew transplanted to you :D

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 08:32

corkscrew... :P

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 08:29

Dont want none of that corkscrewed rubbish.....

Anyways, back to the subject....



By QT• 9 Sep 2008 08:28


By Fatcat• 9 Sep 2008 08:27

QT, as you said, it's all relative... Maybe Mr P thinks they're huge ;)

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 08:26

By QT• 9 Sep 2008 08:24


By Fatcat• 9 Sep 2008 08:23

I wonder if you had that done, Mr P, would you be allowed to sleep with a muslim girl?

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 08:22

hmm,..they will have to do more research on that one , MP...

By QT• 9 Sep 2008 08:22

...not that I'm an expert or anything! :/

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 08:18

(which in reality would be difficult :D ),then can we transplant those as well ?



By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 08:17
Rating: 4/5

"...Use of a non-living component. Using the limb of those animals permissible to eat and slaughtered according to the Islamic rites of slaughter. There is almost certain fear of loss of life or danger of losing the limb/organ and the replacement is only found in haram animals or in permissible animals (which can be eaten) but not slaughtered according to Islamic rites, then use of such a component will be permissible. However, if there is no imminent danger of loss of life then it will not be permissible to use anything from the pig."

By mjamille28• 9 Sep 2008 08:15

hmm, if the life of a human is at stake, why not...

By anonymous• 9 Sep 2008 08:13

Jehovah witnesses who die every year, due to their religion forbidding Blood transfusions.

If the only chance to save my life was the use of a Pigs body part then im all for it....



By jasminejasmine• 9 Sep 2008 08:01
Rating: 3/5

He was on the Today programme on Radio 4 yesterday.

He is moving to the US because the Ethics Committee will not allow it in UK. This is because they are worried that the pigs could fall back into the breeding chain and there would be no way of predicting what could happen.

In the US, genetic breeding is not regulated.

For many years now, pig heart valves have been used in cardiac surgery in the UK. This obviously poses a huge moral question when trying to save the life of a person whose religion doesn't permit pork.

By Dracula• 9 Sep 2008 03:31


By QT• 9 Sep 2008 01:49


By corleone• 9 Sep 2008 00:51

what will they call the procedure?? xenotransplantation?

By britexpat• 9 Sep 2008 00:45

Porky could be saving your life one day...

Would you allow a transplant rfrom an animal if your life depended on it ?

By QT• 9 Sep 2008 00:34


By corleone• 9 Sep 2008 00:31

i just saw "mutant pigs" and i laughed till i fell off my chair.

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