Online Frauds
Hi there all,
A important note which many people might not noticed in "For Sale" electronic items, the company which is promising to sell MObiles, Ipods, CAmcoders for very cheap price and the price in us$. FOr ex. Nokia N95 8GB for 350 US $.
Its a absolute fraud and please people ignore their offers, coz once i spoke to them I confirmed fraud. Their email address is CYBERLINK MOBILE STORES. So guys take care.
Dont send money to these guys.
Macbook and N95 free for buying 2 iphones??? Definitely a fraud... Even stupid wouldnt believe such thing of promotions....
Live and Die with DIGNITY!
anwar1979....Did you send money?
Tell us your
actually anything online these days that has to do with money might be fraudulent.. even booking holidays abroad online with creditcards, one has to be careful..
I dont even see these ads anymore
No human can stop racism and its easier to make a deaf hear u than an ignorant.
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Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.