Pointy Shoe lovers....eat your heart out!
It is with some trepidation that I post this video; with the abundence of pointy shoe lovers in Doha this could be coming to our streets soon!
Oh, what am I unleashing?!?!
Dang! Skinny jeans with gold sequinned pointy shoes....... will surely melt my heart away......Not! awwwww.... LoL
Oh well, if it is the trend in their place, so be it, that's fashion mate! fashion! LoL
Fashion is wearing something that you are comfortable with ;)
best land cruiser i have seen for a while mind you what with the mall elevators and crowded tower elevator think the word pokin and not evokin a new style springs to mind
Actually, Rizks has been doing the fandango in his pointy shoes for many a year :o)
That's stereotyping...bad.
Best promotion is to give a Levis 501 and like a drum of hair Gel and a BMW car key chain with those in a package called: LebGigolo
But like the kid said in the video...if it makes the person (wearing those boots) feel good, who cares what others think/say...and he's right :)
Those look like shoes with horns.
Even I was born before 60 I don't remember much about the shoes people were wearing as I was not even thinking about shoes. In fact there were not many people wearing shoes at that time at least in my area.
I was 5 when the 60's ended......I don't remember a thing of the 60's.....platforms of the 70's though, now yer talking!!!!
Grandpa Brit and Adey.. So you are telling us that this pointy shoes is so Sixties thing?
what about the greasy hair, now you gonna tell me that is also from the swinging sixties?
Great idea. Perhaps we can have a dunceathon in Doha. By the way, don't you remember the pointy shoes we used to wear in the late sixties :O)