By Missteacher •
OMG ....still thinking about this film today :(
Has anyone seen this film?? I watched it last night and I was an emotional wreck! It is so tragic sad but a great ending!
Thing that gets me is that it happens in real life.
If you haven't seen it and want a good we cry ...recommended!!
haha...Thanks LH I will try to get a hold of it :)
I've seen this movie, it's really sad, but the bit when she ran off with the chicken really made me laugh, btw if u like precious u will LOVE 'For Coloured Girls' now this moive had me in a emotional wreck it made me apreciate my life! Please watch it if u havent already :)
Anyone take a viewing of this film??
If your lookin for Drama, you should watch qatarliving.TV
No I didn't mean Precious BB...I was talking about the film Exlegend recommended> yeah definately she needs to shed the pounds!
MT no its not foreign , the girl can act and she ie hella funny but she has to lose the damn weight if she wants more roles
I take its foreign??
Yeah....she had no previous acting experience! She is amazing in the movie! She is such a happy, bubbly and funny person in real life believe it or not!! :O
poverty :(
MM great movie, actually gabourey sidibe has lost a chunk of weight now and for a fat girl to be getting roles in hollywood now is amazing
What is 'pother panchali' about?
ok :)
to add.. if u want to cry watch 'pother panchali' with english subtitles :(
its a chick flick
atleast got sumthng to watch sensible
We can't please everyone...someone will get offended at something.
I watched Lilies in the Field last week. And also El Topo. None of them made me cry.
Do you want my wife watch it and cry?
Coz of the way how they were portrayed on screen.
Offended in what sense?
No problem....let me know what you think after watching it :)
actually heard a lot of black people find the movie offensive
Thanks MT for sharing this film... im going to watch this coming weekend ;)
Book are always better and much more detailed.
Truth Infact "Everybody is Good at Something"...
No probs...Thanks MM
The book was better.
Will try to watch it over the weekend.
What was better MM....feel I would like to read the book now.
Yes the film is not for the fainthearted!
I watched the film, but I read the book too (Push by Sapphire). Highly recommend it.