Q-Tel's IP space (and email servers in it) are blacklisted
I have been getting many email bounce-backs lately, stating that Q-Tel's SMTP server's IP address is blacklisted on multiple Spam-logging internet services, citing "insecure public relay access" as a reason.
While it does not surprise me that Q-Tel cannot secure their infrastructure, it causes me great concern to know that my (business) email messages are not reaching my clients and collegues.
And these are the messages for which I actually GET a blocked message from the destination email server... many block outright without notification.
Does anyone know any high-up people in Q-Tel who can be made aware of this? I've emailed everyone on their DNS and domain records (network administrators), of course to no effect nor reply.
Just because Q-Tel is a monopoly and isn't interested in business outside Qatar, it doesn't mean we can all operate like that...
I'd imangine that any hotel could do that for you for a small fee?
International Fax!!!
Does anyone know where I can send an international fax? I don't have a fax at home and I need to send a fax to Germany.
Please help me!!!!
If you want it fixed, a letter to the Gulf Times or The Peninsula where they can't avoid the public shame of bad press has seemed to help in the past.
I don't think too many QTel Bosses read this Forum, but the public press is a different matter.
I would suggest that you get a URL registered in the name of the business, get it hosted in a better country or with a better hosting company, and use your own email URL address. Only use Qtel for the connection, not the service.