Qatar Construction Standards
By getsevilla •
Hello everyone,
I need some help from anyone... I am trying to find a CD regarding Qatar Construction Standards or Qatar Construction Code.... I went to Urban Planning Dept in West Bay this a.m. but no luck...
Would anyone know where I could get it from?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: For updated guidelines, we recommend visiting the Ashghal website.
Call 70310786 for QCS Compliant & QCD Approved Materials like CO2 gas detector, Conventional Fire Alarm panel, EXIT Emergency lights, Heat /SMOKE detector, MCP, Fire alarm Sounder, Fire rated Cables , Doors & Emergency battery kit for LED & Fluorescent light. Equivalent Tridonic Enov, QLUX, Powercraft, Lxine, orbik, Ventilux , Besa , Forplus, Macwell Exstock Wholesale Lights in Qatar. Whatsapp 70310786
QCS 2014 in pdf format pages 4571 in total.
Download from the link below :
Me too looking for the subject standard (QCS – Qatar Construction Standards 2014.) Can someone send me at my email? [email protected]
You need to wait as the person is on her vacation, let her come back.
can anyone send QCS_2014 pdf file to [email protected]???
Can anyone please send QCS 2014 to my email. [email protected]
Can anyone please send QCS 2014 to my email. [email protected]
Please send me a copy of QCS 2014 to my email Id: [email protected] would be very help full.
Or inform me where i can get a copy?
prajith Chemmalil
I have a softcopy of QCS 2014.. which around 4500+ pages.
Dear Engineer/A Elginaid,
Can you mail me the chapters of QCS related to electrical installations to my email address [email protected]. It would be of great help. Thanks
Dear Friends,
I am working with a construction firm here in Qatar. Can any help me out with the QCS 2014 or the Section that covers the requirement of barriers (Jersy/Hard Barriers) in construction field. I am facing a lot of pressure in this regards. Please help me to sort his out friends.
Mail me at [email protected].
Hope to hear from you guys soon.
can someone send me QCS 2010 or 2014pdf [email protected] please, i ill really apprci8 this
Hello everyone,
Does someone have an QCS would be great-full if someone can send me QCS 2010 pdf complete version or the Section 5 of it for an urgent issue..
Thank you.. Have a nice day..
Hello everyone,
Does someone have an QCS would be great-full if someone can send me QCS 2010 pdf complete version or the Section 5 of it for an urgent issue..
Thank you.. Have a nice day..
same to me please [email protected]
I will appreciate that :)
same to me please [email protected]
I will appreciate that :)
anyone have a copy please send to my email: [email protected] thanks in advance
abnyone have updated please !!
SEND ME A COPY , if large file,then just a link using dropbox is better,
heres my email [email protected] thanks in advance...
Could anyone of you send me the QCS 2010 version, please.
My email: [email protected]
Hi, I am Post Graduation degree holder in Civil Engineering field. Please can anyone send me a copy of Qatar National Construction Standards 2010 for my reference my mail ID [email protected]
hey, can u send me a copy of the QCS for reference to [email protected]
thanks a ton :)
Please send me aa copy of Qatar Construction Standards for reference to [email protected]
Hi sir,I am 3d/cad draftsman here in Qatar and it would be very helpful if you could send me a e-copy of construction standard for residential and commercial field.Thank you very much sir. Here is my e-mail [email protected],.God BLess
yes sir I would to request for a copy of construction standards here in Qatar for reference here is my email. [email protected]. sir thank you very much more power
EMAIL: [email protected]
Why you need QCS for your IT field
Please sir ,
If you can send me a soft copy its very plusher to me
my mail - [email protected]
I am Looking for QCS spcification for PDS and access control
Does someone know what is the seismic standard for Qatar? I found the seismic hazard analysis for Arabian Platform in terms of PGA but there I couldn't found the other coefficients which are needed for computing the seismic force.
Thank you, and if you have some documents could you post a link or send a private message.
Dear friends,
those who have this exposure may please advise us.
we are an international electronic company with emphasis on "GREEN" ACs etc etc.,
-- What are the steps involved in getting the QSAS certification
-- how do we start ?
-- who are the contact persons ?
Any input will be appreciated
Urgently required
Anybody please provide me the below specification
QCS 2010 Section 16 part 1,2,3,8 (Structural Steelworks)
i have some construction standards 2007 if needed, please PM
please is there a phone number of someone i can call on this? and please, if u have the subsequent copies i will be grateful if u give me. Heres my e-mail add.. [email protected]
Lol, Deedee.. So funny.
Good day Dr,
I am very much interested and will be grateful if i get it.
Here's my email [email protected]
the QCS 2010 is available online not on cd. You can get the password and username from QGSOM department at abu hamour after WAQD petrol station.
If the client wants them complied to there are
There are no standards here
If anyone needs QCS 2010 I have soft copy of it and will be happy to share it if someone messages me for it. I am looking for an MSDS for construction sites if anyone has those available it will be useful to me
Hy guys,
what about QCS 2010? Does someone know if it has been issued?
If yes could someone share it, please?
Thank you
Hi guys,
I need the Qatar Highways Design Manual.
Could someone help me please?
Where I can find it?
Thank in advance to everybody
hi! how are u? please send me ur latest copy of qcs. thank u so much in advance! God bless! I will for it,ok? my email address is [email protected]. Thank u again!
hi! how are u? please send me ur latest copy of qcs. thank u so much in advance! God bless! I will for it,ok? my email address is [email protected]. Thank u again!
Dear Sir
can you kindly advise from where can i get QCS 2010?
pour masala on the cd
try qwe
Can you let me know the password to open these PDF files?
Does anyone know the password for opening QCS 2007 Pdf files?
Please help.
Thanks in Advance.
Good day sir,Im working here in qatar for 3 months now and im looking for standard here in qatar (QCS) Im in a construction company. I saw your message that you have a qcs but its a big file. Sir can you send me a Mechanical section for the QCS2007. fire protection, plumbing, drainage, irrigation and hvAC. MY email address is [email protected]. this will be a great help. hoping for your reply soon. thank you very much.
whats the password for these files? i cant open anything...
its here by this link ...
I understand that a new Edition 4 2011 will be issued shortly
Can you send me a copy of Qatar Standards and Codes for reference. Thanking you. My email id. [email protected]
I need Qatar Standards and Codes for reference. If anybody have it, kindly send me in this email id. [email protected]
Here are some pics of Qatar construction standards.
hello my name is nelson lasrado i work in darwish trading as a sales executive,i would like u to mail me the copy of the 2006 editionof qcs.
i would be greatful for yur kind helpand support.
my mailing addressis
waiting for afavourable reply
Hi, collegues.
I am another Engineer trying to get the QCS 2007 o higher. Anyone can help me?
If so, my e-mail is [email protected]
Thanks a lot in advance.
Can any one help me out to have the copy of the QCS related to the Electrical particularely on the Light fittings and installations
thanks and appercieate to have this on my mail
[email protected]
Dear Sir:
We just completed compaction test (20 points) of sub-grade for asphalt pavement and attained the minimum MDD of 95%. However, the moisture content at all 20 points have an average 3.5%, way below to optimum moisture content of 9.8%. Though, as stated, we have attained the desired MDD. The soil was crushed limestone -20mm. Our consultant put a strong note that we have to adjust the moisture content and it should be +/-2 OMC. I have argued that the main objective was attained and that is the MDD of at least 95%. To convince him, he told me to show me any technical proof or any codes to prove my claim. Actually, I just got the information from ENG-TIPS Forum (does it ring a bell?). Sir, could you please send me any standards that can be extracted from the QCS to prove or deny my claim?
Thanks a lot and regards.
have a nice day baldrick2dogs. i've been trying for so long how to get QCS. Would you be so kind to help me have one whatever is the year edition. thanks a lot, man.
Hi ,
Can you send me the standards at [email protected]
just wondering
so many requests for the QCS from engineers executing our buildings
how come your offices dont have a copy of that?
are you licensed, and what you do now without it?
Dear Sir,
My name is sunil....just I wanted to know how much work can a steel fixer, carpenter,....etc can do per day as per Qatar standard or specification. can you kindly send me the detail of this to mail ID. [email protected]
with warm Regards
sunil kamalaksha
Can u send a copy of the Qatar construction manual QCS 2007 3RD EDITION to my email address. [email protected]
Rinu D Varghese
Document Controller
I have been looking for anything regarding construction standards for Qatar. Could you please try and email them to me? Perhaps through wich will allow bigger files. You can send to [email protected].
Thank You
I wish to know the Safety standards to be implemented on these constructions sites ?
Is there any specific training courses which are a MUST for construciton companies ?
most of the companies, jsut keep a board "Safety First" and 2-3 Nepaliees with a helmet & coverall. The so-called safety officers, who have not gone thru any safety training courses,
earlier it is heard that 50 laboures shold have one Safety officer with Medical First Aid certified
Can someone update ??
but then what is the password...?
LOL--you know your avatar had EVERYTHING to do with my username! ;)
pls see my other post u can download it from the government site direct :
Just make sure you bring one for me ;o)
Well in that case Baldrick I will donate a few CD's to the raffle
Lucky escape last night..with footie..
Cynbob.. I get the feeling that bob at the end of your name has something to do with my avatar? :)
Yes the QCS - Qatar Construction Specification
QHDM - Qatar High Design Manual
etc etc and other Design and Specifications documents are nothing more than the extracts of the American and British Design Satandards.
If one need more information then please visit the website of Qatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology
And finally for you Cynbob..
Can we fix it?
Yes we Can
Standards. Which Standards?
UkEngQatar aka Bob the Builder should know...;)
Unauthorised distribution of the Standards is technically illegal. Only the Control Copy held by the purchasing company is legal. You may use the QSC as a reference but cannot quote it in Specifications unless your company is in position of the Controlled copy purchsed from Standards Department. Just for info..
Yes it can be distributed but it would not be easy since we know everyone's busy to meet someone and besides if the ones to distribute really is willing to sacrifice his precious time and resources to make CD copies and distribute it, then its ok. Well anyway its an option though. To split the file and send it en masse to those who needs it is nice esp. if the source is from a far place or busy enough just to go around Doha to distribute the file.
Just copy to a CD and distribute to whoever needs it. simple
Thanks for the post if it cannot be sent through email, then we can split the file into smaller ones by a program that I will share to you. Actually it is an old and tiny program that will split big files into 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 parts(whatever) and send it into portions and consolidate it again very easily. I think it will help everyone to deal with this problem. (because FTP protocol is harder to discuss)
Those interested please reply to this post with your email address.
you have something againts construction consultants? even large projects not only in qatar..require consultants...
even in other countries eng'g. offices do not go to the details of bothering themselves checking on Architectural and Structural implementations at site...CONSULTANTS DO.
In the west, all construction staff usually have to have some sort of training at least, not come straight off the back of a tractor from a field in Kerala. Safety training before you enter site. Also there are better law courts so that if there is a problem it doesn't get dragged out for so long that the consultant/contractor gives up.
Are they really functioning as such? Or on a case-to-case basis?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
The Office Of CIVIL DEFENSE are the ones that issues Building Permits( DC1, DC2...), but beyond that??
Correct me if i'm wrong, do they have Project/Site Engineers/Inspectors to make sure the QCS is properly complied and implemented??
They do however regulates issuing license to consultants who were tasked to oversee proper project implementations....
And this is where the problems arrises, these consultants usually pay peanuts, and what would they get??
yano, judging from how many back jobs there are, guess nada...
mo lang!
here in QATAR, there is no Governement Engineering/Engineers Office that oversight the buildings that are being constructed, specifically on architectural/structurals.
They only issue building permits, but checking if all drawings are properly executed is not their scope.
They rely mostly on the consultants to oversee these inspections/quality matters at construction site.
So if the consultants are monkeys... what else do you expect ??
is under the Civil Defense ministry!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
lol, deedee. same reaction here...
mo lang!
Qatar has construction standards? (Picks herself up from off the floor)
if the consultants are monkeys, expect the project to go bananas... :P
QCS 2007, 3rd edition is the latest version but I have only been able to access it via another computer here at public works.
If the QCS was actually followed and enforced, most problems would be solved overnight.
to find it thru my eyes and ears....
that no money in the world can buy you whatever you desires, not even quality if you eliminate the value of time and quality resources in the equation.
longterm masterplanning is nowhere to be found here, that is planning time all wasted...
high quality contractors are like being extinct now...
projects are being rushed to completion...
and like what they used to say, you pay peanuts you get the monkeys... :P
and thats a fact ;)
lol, yano. is a leaning building part of the standard here?:-)
mo lang!
there actually is, and is constantly been updated...
my copy is yet to be filled-up on some disciplines
(still blank) :P
Section 15; "Thermal Insulations of Buildings"
(now... of all places thermal issues is of importance ... LOL)
have to check with 2002 edition ;)
there IS actually a standard for construction 'round here?! sorry for the sarcasm, can't help it...:-)
mo lang!
it's QCS 2007 3rd edition (interactive version) :)
Hello Dears,
UNFORTUNATELY the QCS (Qatar Construction Specifications) could not be sent by e-mail coz it's a little bit big folder, but if you would like to have a specific information I can send you the related Chapter.
Kind Regards.
Dr.Engineer/A Elginaid.
Hi I'm also involved with construction here in Qatar. And it would be very helpful for me to have a copy as well. Would you be so kind and send me one as well.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks baldrick2dogs.... from where did you find it... id better buy one for office use... my email is [email protected]... i think it wont fit on that account... Gil