Guys if you noticed that qatar living is back to its original format .
I nearly lost interest to surf qatar living after it upgraded its new version and i could see hardly any one the old members were using for interaction.
thanks to the admin we are back with old forrmat and am pretty much new members will like it as well.
thanks admin!!
Had , Wake up .....
Fri, 11.04.2014 , 09.33 hrs .........................................................................................................
@Admin ,Can u pls monitor the above posted message this is monotonous...this is a 100% scam scam scam as i said last tym,we'll not be surprised if u block it....
@tita: try to manage with new Ql..
what difficulties you are facing ?
huh? i'm surfing thru it right now, and it's still in the new format. how i wish it reverts back to its old form where posting and interaction was easier and more convenient.