Qatar Living Classifieds Need Merger
Qatar Living Classifieds, need merger.
Under the heading of Items on QL classifieds, 26 sub heads have been created which are often mixed up and overlapping on one another, and one has to waste more time in searching most of them.
In order to streamline and making them more meangingful, there is a need to merge them into following segments:
Cameras: Electronics
Bicycles: Vehicles
CD/DVD/VHS: Electronics
Video games: Electronics
Moving sales: Households
Games/Toys : Baby & kids stuff
Recreational Vehicles: Vehicles
QL users may also give their valuable input.
This website is extremely poorly managed. Just look at the crappy ads everywhere on the page. There is more ad space than content space. So yes, I agree with you, but I highly doubt if admins will ever be able to improve it the way it should be.
what is required is a keyword search and not merging.
example if i want to look for washing machine alone under electronics, it is not easy