Q.A.W.S. volunteers evening
By Kiwi in Qatar •
If you're a current volunteer with Q.A.W.S. or are interested in volunteering at the shelter, a volunteers evening will be held on Sunday 9th August at 7.30pm upstairs at Caribou Coffee on Salwa Road (opposite Hardees). Come along to find out what's happening at the shelter and how you can help. New volunteers are welcome. Remember, volunteering for Q.A.W.S. doesn't mean you have to visit the farm, you can help with outside events, fundraising, administrative duties - the sky's the limit! For more information on volunteering with Q.A.W.S. you can email [email protected]
Yup I'm bringing it back to the first page!
It's also a great place for newbies in Qatar to meet other animal lovers!!
If you're planning on coming along please could you drop a quick email to [email protected] so we have a rough idea of numbers! Don't want people sitting on the floor because we don't have enough chairs!