QBS to raise the dead?
Much has been said about the pro's and con's of QBS but yesterday they managed to outdo themselves.
I had left my ipod in my bag so I forced myself to listen to the "Pearl of the Gulf" that's QBS to you and I. The greatest radio station ever to strike up a middle C.
So, as I was saying, switched on radio. Atmospherics bad so no 'Diggers'. QBS it is then.
Wait.... They are playing Songbird by Eva Cassidy. Fantastic song by a much respected, much loved singer.
"Beautiful song". says 'Palpatating Phil Jay', ex Radio Caroline teaboy. "Yes indeed" says 'Pam Pandemonium Worth'. The 'Ex Forces Sweetheart'.
"We must get an interview with her", say's Big Phil. "Yes" says the annoying dog toy sqeeky voiced darling Pam. "She lives not far from here in Hove".
Nice to see they are on the ball.
Eva Cassidy died in 1996.
I never switch to the radio. Never felt the need to.
My Cuban shotputter was a Big girl. Her name was Eva .......Eva pair on :O)
Maybe the ghost of Eva strolls up and down the prom each night?
I love QBS. they play songs I can sing along to ... :O)
By the way, please don't castigate the DJ - Hove hasn't changed in years..
lol ...
5 years ago TV reception was just as bad as Mozaic is now.... That's progress for you.
Sorry the real title is MOZAIC PLUS. Internet and TV, So when one goes down THEY ALL GO DOWN,,,,,,,,,,,,on a regular basis.
land that time forgot.... lol exactly...
I am amazed we get satellite channels... 5yrs ago there was antennas for TV reception...lol
It is neither.
It is a product from a time gone by in a land that time forgot.
French has gone and that has improved QBS 200%
They still have to make up their mind... if QBS is English or French (Radio)...
...they dont have a single good Radio Jockey...
The Qatar Foundation Radio have better RJs but they just play instrumental music...
an old pair of slippers. Time to buy a dog.
Fill in your own answer.... Have fun.
That was only 15 years ago, for some in Qatar they still think its 1971!
we should submit a petition to the concerned to take off air this station..
Before you ask...
Squeaky, Squeaky, Squeaky