QP Personnel Grade system
Can anyone elaborate on what kind of personnel Grade system QP follows. I understand that they follow grdaes like 13, 14, 15. 16 etc. Which is higher/lower? What is the topmost grade like? Does it bear any relation to Salary and Allowances?
Appreciate if someone can comment about realtionship Grades have with responsibilty, reporting system, and number of personnel normally working under a particular grade.
Thanks in advance for help.
Unfortunately I am no longer with QP (I left in 1997) but there are threads on this site that will give you an indication of salaries/conditions being offered within QP and the country in general.
If you are uncertain about anything, contact QP, I am sure they will respond.
Allowance for electricity, I believe that QP still allow a "useage" beyond which level will be for your own account, similarly with water.
Telephone provision I understand that at SS level, the installation and rental is paid for by QP. Local calls are free in Qatar but international calls will again be for your own account.
The above should be checked with QP to ensure that my comments are valid.
Forget re-negotiating the salary when you arrive. There is little mechanism for making adjustments.
Dear dweller,
I just accepted in QP, and i only know a little about working in QP in Doha. I am a Senior Telecommunication Technician from Indonesia. What is the suitable salary for that? Can i still saving money if i want to live in two bedroom flat with my wife? Can we negotiate after that?
What kind of allowance does QP usually give to new expatriate? How about electricity, telephony and any kind of utility cost in there? Could you give me information so i can decide appropriately whether take that offer or not. I also given opportunity to discuss with QP personnel, but while waiting, information from you will be very useful.
All jobs at SS (Senior Staff) level are accredited with some financial authority even if it's a shared accountability.
There are annual assessments in which your performance is assessed and following which your salary should be reviewed but don't expect a fortune. The overall budget used to be 3% and i'm not sure if that has been increased. The maximum increment (annual salary increase) was 5% when I was there. Again, this may have changed.
Regarding promotion, promotions do occur to expatriate staff, but the higher the grade the less likely you are to be promoted. Qatarisation rightly dictates that promotion will go to a national if he is capable (or close to being capable) of doing the job.
Expatriates are recruited because they are capable of doing a specific job and as a rule of thumb, I wouldn't expect promotion.
If a job is re-evaluated to a higher grade (may happen if the content/responsibility of the job changes) you would be entitled to a corresponding promotion. Salary increase on promotion was up to the minimum of the new grade or 10% of current basic salary whichever was greater but again, this may have changed.
Thanks a lot. That is enlightening. Do you know if Grade 15 has any financial authority?
Does QP has an annual Increment and Promption policy?
Thanks in advance
Dweller, your 2nd paragraph sounds complicated with (personal grade? qu'est-ce que c'est?)
This is what well informed sources tell me:
1. CEO: JG23
2. Senior Management: JG20 to 23, for Qatari nationals only.
3. Senior Staff, Expats: JG14 to 19max!
4. Other staff: lower JGs.
Quality of life Re allowances: proportional to JG.
Cannot comment but if the question is asked of QP I am sure they will advise. The grades etc shoudn't be secret (another of my gripes when I was there) but who knows how they treat them now. I worked on the new grades but that was some years ago (pre-1996) and they may have been amended since then.
I could find out if QP don't respond. I may even still have the working papers from 1996.
All jobs are graded using the company JE plan (taking into account numerous weighted factors including, accountability for supervision, budgetary responsibility) and yes the grades do affect salary and some (but not all) allowances as some grades are "banded" for allowance purposes. The personal grade is ordinarily the same as the job grade but this isn't guaranteed so make sure that the two are the same.
Would this be a breach of your secrecy vows?
I think it is a story that has to be told.