Qtel's settings for mobile internet?
I cant seem to access the internet through my Iphone. I've called 111 and they gave me the settings which would be:
General>Networks>Cellular Data Network>APN:gprs.qtel
Still no signs of getting the internet going. Anyone else have this problem with Iphone? I'm on Shary value pack btw if that info helps.
Gore1876, thanks for the advice which worked perfectly.
Thanks for the advice which worked perfectly.
Alright so after doing a restart for the phone it seemed to start working :) all iz well now. Thanks everyone.
lol Smoke !
Now dont expect them to take ur phone to any mobile shop...:(
Ok so finally after waiting all this time, i called Qtel again, after taking all my details she advices me to take my phone to any mobile shop and get it checked. HMMMMM Thanks Qtel support you are the best.
lol jpa think i should i've received a lot of complaints from users about neck pain.
Turn ur avatar to the other side & connect again.
"sent using Qtel mobile connection"
Gore - I use a shahry value pack of 130.
Thing is sometimes it works without username and password and sometimes it works with username and password. That is what I have seen with different colleagues of mine
hmmmm, then same issue as my first post.
Patience.............. :)
Gore i know but like i said haven't had the time to go about doing it :( Did the flight mode thing still no changes, 3G turn on, Cellular data on, data roaming on as well. Getting 'Qat-Qtel' on top where the service provider name used to be just 'Qtel'.
@s_isale is also correct, if you do not have a data plan (Shary Value Pack) then yes you need user and pass, but your bill should be quite high due to data charges. If you have the data plan then no user or pass needed.
@smoke the fix for your problem has been out for sometime now.
You can also just turn flight mode on for a few seconds and then off again that should do the same thing as rebooting.
I think i should get a voda number as well :P
something somewhere is amiss with regards to qtel.
Guys i'm on the Qr. 130 value package that has the 50mb internet package included. Gore is right there is no username and password for the APN setting just gprs.qtel
I cant restart my phone right now coz of the whole "Thou shall not do illegal stuff to iphone" where i need certain apps to restart the phone and have not had time to work around that :P will do it at home and see.
well to each his own then.
aaah i see now, have you applied for one of Qtels Data packages?
@s_isale then SMS the word "ALL" to 92072 and you should get the same as my above post.
Im a BES admin for a large company and work with BB`s, iphones ect all day have had these issues before.
I am on Shahry.
What I have posted are the settings on my phone. Earlier I had problems when username and password was left blank.
Setup Guide for Internet
Settings > General > Network > Cellular Data Network >Cellular Data (internet):
APN :gprs.qtel
Username : leave it blank
Password: leave it blank
Setup Guide for MMS
Settings > General > Network > Cellular Data Network > MMS:
APN : mms.qtel
Username: leave it blank
Password: leave it blank
MMSC: http://mmsr.qtelmms.qa
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: leave it blank
MMS UA Prof URL : leave it blank
Settings > Messages > MMS Messaging "ON"
Write your phone number here : Settings > Phone > My Number (format :974xxxxxxxx) Restart your iPhone
i disagree with you there, if you SMS the word "ALL" to 92072, they will send you all the info needed and no password is listed.
Are you on shary or prepaid?
MMS Settings
APN: mms.qtel
Username: mms
Password: mms
Proxy serv. Address:
Proxy Port number: 8080
MMSC: http://mmsr.qtelmms.qa
Mobinet Settings
APN: web.qtel
Username: Leave it blank
Password: Leave it blank
Prompt Password: No
Authentication: Normal
EDGE/GPRS Settings
APN: gprs.qtel
Username: gprs
Password: gprs
Prompt Password: No
Authentication: Normal
Homepage: Wap.freedom.com.qa
Network Type: IPV4
Phone IP address: Automatic
Name Servers: Automatic
Proxy serv. Address:
Proxy Port number: 8080
however, you may use the following settings as a general guideline:
Settings for Mobinet:
Connection name: Mobinet
Data Bearer: GPRS or Packet Data
Access Point Name: Web.qtel
Username: none
Password: none
Prompt Password: No
Authentication: Normal
Homepage: None
Settings for Mobile Internet Service:
Connection name: Mobile Internet
Data Bearer: GPRS or Packet Data
Access Point Name: gprs.qtel
Username: gprs
Password: gprs
Prompt Password: No
Authentication: Normal
Homepage: Wap.freedom.com.qa
Network Type: IPV4
Phone IP address: Automatic
Name Servers: Automatic
Proxy serv. Address:
Proxy Port number: 8080
Source: Service FAQ's at Qtel Website
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/discussion/getting-e-mails-via-qtel-gprs-24aug2006#ixzz1LGnEBAyG
there is no username and password.
APN : gprs.qtel
Thats it.
@smoke make sure you fully reboot your device once you enter the APN details.
gprs.qtel has got a username and password.
Have those settings on my phone as well. Sometimes it takes hours to get connected, sometimes its fast
QTEL is difficult but Vodafone has it's settings on their website. It helped me on my iPhone w/ Vodafone sim.
isale are you sure there is a username and password? coz the woman never said anything about it. will give it a shot.
Hey gore, i'm still on the 4.2 version and have not updated as yet. May be it will take some time as you said. will wait and see. Thanks.
username - gprs
password - gprs
it takes some time for them to start working.
@smoke: i had exactly the same problem the other day, it shows 3G but no data.
changed to EDGE still the same no IP address from QTEL.
I tried so many diff things, Reset all network settings Everything. Did a search and found that other people have same problem since 4.3 update. They gave some workarounds but alas that did not work.
Then I just gave up, towards the end of the day around 15:00 it just started working again, without me doing anything. I suspect its a QTel issue, but as usual they are no help.
Mines working fine again.