Is this racial abuse ?
G'Day Possums.
I have often been the butt of jokes and also dished out similar to my Aussie and German colleagues.
So - Is this guy taking the P1ss ?
An Australian community warden who claimed he was racially abused by colleagues who constantly greeted him with ‘G’day Sport’ is taking his case to the European Court of Human Rights.
He claimed that the ‘racism’ and bullying’ he suffered at work ‘would eventually have killed him’ and that he constantly asked colleagues to stop making jokes about him being an Aussie.
He said that fellow wardens constantly greeted him with ‘G’day Sport’, ‘Is your girlfriend called Sheila?’ and made jokes about kangaroos and asked him to ‘Throw another shrimp on the barbie’.
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"taking his case to the European Court of Human Rights"??
So thin skinned ... some of us have suffered far worse harasments and slurs!
"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." ~ Kelly Clarkson.
How can it be racism? Unless Australian is a race...was not aware of that.
It probably is annoying and uneccessary though.
It's like asking a Brit :Ah..forgot to brush your teeth again....where is your brolly? Are you usually wearing a bowler hat..etc....
errr..painful experiences, the guy sure needs to grow a thicker skin. Wish I could have sued all those racists back from where I come from for all the far worse harasments and slurs they subject us "minority" folks to. But as em Aussies would say "no worries"
I keep telling you to wear the Speedos and the Hat with corks.
Not you Flan
What a big girl... or should I say Sheila...
he should be so lucky, i'm usually greeted by "you don't look or sound like an australian".
Hes obviously not seen family day here to know what racial abuse really is.
his personality is weak, and his colleagues are silly, so he has to cope with living in this unfair world