This is the real deal!
Couple Waits Till Marriage for First Kiss
CHICAGO — Won't kiss on the first date? How about waiting until marriage?
Chicagoans Melody LaLuz, 28, and Claudaniel Fabien, 30, shared their first kiss Saturday at the altar. The two teach abstinence at the city's public schools and practiced what they preached to their teenage students.
The Chicago Tribune reports that the couple had never kissed and that they had never been alone together in a house.
A friend of LaLuz says wedding guests cheered and stomped during the two-minute smooch.
LaLuz and Fabien say they have no worries about how they will spend their honeymoon in the Bahamas.
I thoght Popes had to take a vow to live in abstinence ??
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You can't teach experience...
Actually RP, I could teach you to live in abstinence for 7 months and counting! :P
Gypsy, Could you teach me how to live life in abstinence for six months?
The Seven Words You Can Never Say On QL by George Carlin
well.. i'd do the same thing ;)
Emad =>
What they did is amazing!!!
Wow that is some accomplishment.. Wonder if they were doing it with others instead of each other :P heeehee
righteous much! i wonder if there's any other couple who could keep up with this. =]
Wouldn't be my personal choice, but good for them. :) All the best.