Saudi slaps doctor for touching his wife
By somwerNdmiddle •
A doctor in Saudi Arabia was rewarded with a strong slap on his face by a Saudi husband who was infuriated when he saw the doctor touch his sick wife, the Arabic language daily Al Jazira reported Wednesday.
I would hope so !
Another SICKO in queue now...
Oh gosh!! if your wife is so precious for you, keep it inside home and appoint any FEMALE doc to check her in times of emergency..
yikkess Brit, I believe they are in minority :-(
On the whole - yes! (no pun intended)
There are always a few perverts. I have met a couple , who used to share the gory details of an evening..
That's exactly what I feel..its amazing in fact that these male gynacs have the ability to have normal sex lives after all the horrors they must witness a docs are a brave bunch!
Control your imagination everyone....Do you actually think a male gynac would enjoy seeing what he needs to see for the diagnosis? I think he would choose not to see those if it was possible for him to do his job that way :-)
Cant this idiot doctors find any other country to work where human beings live?????
when will this guys come out of the caves?
And that is your perogative. My point was that in a conservative society such as Saudi, It's all too common to find male gynacologists, where females should be the norm.
Just a note..whenever I've been to male doctors, I have only uncovered the areas of my body which are required for examination/diagnosis. And unless its been for my frequently occurring tonsillitis and flu related ills, I've never felt the need to uncover my face and neither do the docs require me to do so. In short we only show whats necessary for diagnosis nothing less and nothing more!
Tinkerbell, I'm covering my face on my next visit, save myself the embarrassment ;-)
Haa Haa Haa snessy
Ah... Mrs x, I thought I recognised you, good to see you again.
It's true.
Think of it this way. At least the doctor won't recognise you on the street :O)
The guy is an idiot. The usual practice in conservative areas of Saudi is that the husband goes in with the wife and the doctor explains the procedure prior to the examination.
Having said that, Saudi is a strange place where women can go to a male Gynae, show him the waterworks, but keep their faces covered...
LOL Brit...imagine being recognised by the doctor by "that" instead of your face!
hmm I don't buy this just because I know Al-Jazirah news paper... but because of the stereotype, people will believe that
You have put a horrible image in my head brit
Well done Saudi
A bunch more need slap, if U can read them ;)
That incident is normal in Saudi arabia, and according to my friend nurses, the doctor should first ask permission to touch the female patient. Or otherwise SLAP with come right away. LOL!
docter will never again touch a girl again with out
stupid husband
for complaining to the police and hope the perpetrator is duly punished supposing the story to be true. However I find it strange that the husband takes her to a male doctor and then slaps him for touching very very messed up! Over here I have had male doctors on many occasions including a few cardiologists and one thing is they,mind you not me, always make sure a third party is present when it comes to examinations. So this whole story just doesn't seem very "M.E." maybe there's more to it than what's reported? Allahu alim..
"They don't mind if they get switched off either."
But the problem is they are still going to get turned on hee hee hee ;)
lol Rizks!
lifffddd you moron, if i get a chance to shoot you I WILL NOT MISS IT ! :(
by robots - you mean Rajnikant ? :(
I think if somebody go for work or tourism, or whatever was the reason , to another country, the first thing he should do ,before stamping his passport , knew what things go in line with customs and tradition of people in this country, what he must do and what not to do...
For exam, I will not slay a cow if I visit India, simply, because I knew some communities there sanctifies cows … where I will do it easily her in Doha in Eid Al –Adha and maybe I will knock my Indian neighbor door to give him some of it’s meat
wow ,
Lincoln, DER Roboter....let us hope it is not the same in Arabic...;)
In the future diagnosis will be done by robots. They are neutra. They don't mind if they get switched off either.
lol Ice Maiden.....
hmmm, this is getting odder by the post..."branded" massage centers?
Ok, maybe I should take Rizk's advise and leave them to their madness....
Maybe he expected the Doc to possess magic powers, X ray vision or something, to heal his wife without touching and looking
nomerci...ignore it !!
"branded ones"...they brand the girls here? Hmmm........
This is so sick news........
this is serious touching topic, dont hijack plz...:(
saeedkhan check out at Najma area or Industrial Area Street No. 26 !
Touching someones wife's waist isn't harsh ? lol
saeedkhan if its a male doctor, this kinda topics wouldn't EXIST !
That's a bit harsh Rizks
Oouchh !
he should be injected with Cynade....:)
It is not practice in our country! If you don't trust the doctor, always have the option to find another!
with the way journalism is here in the middle east, who knows who's telling the truth now?
In all seriousness it's about a husband who doesn't understand the medical profession. He could be from anywhere and any religion.
of his wife. I hear a lot of those Saudis like a little something something on the down low ;)
U r really innocent.... this should be anti-muslims
no merci: is that for real? Remind me never to go to a doctor!
And by the way, its mandatory that there be a presence of another female( may be anyone) in the examination room if a male doc is examining female. This is followed everywhere, not just here. That is to prevent the doc for being charged of molestation. I think that doc didn't follow that rule.
WHAT? the doctor did not know that he can't touch the patient? how very odd!
See, the doctor has to instruct the husband how to examine his wife...THAT's how it is done properly!
Oh, and of course the doctor can't look at the uncovered patient.
Do you think that excessive jealously or stupidity? Or both? then what should they do with such people ?
A french lady slapped a lady from UAE wearing hujab in France and hurt her by her nails in a wild way.... whats the use or the pupose of such topics like that?
he should be given punishment not to touch anyone, even his wife... ;b
Was the doctors hands chopped for this ? :(
the point is that he rushed into the room... how he come to know doctor touched his wife... were there some kinda screamy voice heard... ooh or ouch ;)
Why did he take her to a male doc in the first place if he objected to her being touched?
And why didn't the doc take consent before touching her?
may be doctor behavior was ubnormal
seems what he needs is a brain transplant... :/
I guess the doctor will ask permission next time.
sheeesh, if he doesn't want somebody else touching his wife, why did he not bring her to a lady doctor then? WTF
LOL... sorry i felt it funny