scratch protection from sand storm
By drsajidh123 •
dear friends,
i would like to know wether any one have used the spray for sratch protection from sand storms while long drive. i would like to know will it affect the paint chemially if i use one for a long drive. some people tell that we can use a coat of lux dish washer and wash it after the drive . do any one have the experience. pls help me.
thank u
it will mess up the paint so bad,burns it.
most carwash places have dusting for the car before traveling. Yes we tried this before going to Saudi,
once you put the dust on the body of car, do not go more then 60km-h a hour for the first 2 hours until its dry.
Then when you come back from this trip any car wash will take it back off.
lux is having some lemon sent will it act like acid and affect the paint? did u the saudi side petrol people doing that with lux? how was ur car after washing any problem? also was there any sand storm when u went
thank u
I used lux; very effective and low cost solution.
When you enter Saudi Arabia, after customs, at the first petrol station there are people who will do this for you in 30-50 Riyal.
but its very easy and you can do it yourself. Just do it one night before and not immediately before starting the trip.
This will badly affect the paint of the car.
Dont try please...
You can use any dish washing liquid.... apply softly and leave it on to dry...
Easy to wash after trip...