Sexy Mascot Can Stay At Eateries IF ..
Sexy mascot can stay at eatery if curves covered.
READING, Ohio – A curvaceous, scantily clad mannequin can keep her spot outside a Cincinnati area barbecue joint, but local officials want her to cover up a bit.
The life-size figure stands as a busty beacon outside a restaurant in suburban Reading (REH'-ding) owned by Kenny Tessel. He told zoning officials at a hearing Wednesday night that the advertising gimmick has boosted business 40 percent.
The 5-foot-10 mannequin is on the street wearing a bikini top and tight short-shorts, though Tessel brought her to the hearing draped in a long, sleeveless gray T-shirt.
The board said Tessel may continue to use the figure only if it's dressed more modestly in front of the restaurant, too.
He plans to appeal.
I think they are scared if the Mannequin turns into a real life like woman as in the Movie of the same name starring Kim Catterall. So the link is Mannequin into Kim Catterall into Sex in the City.
Hence it got banned.
SO what happens with the Hooters waitresses ?
Is it in Saudi?.....seems
When I was in Time Square last time round about Christmas... there were real ladies dressed not very differently than the way described here standing outside a Hawaiian bar or something inviting customers in... if they don't mind real people doing it, then why not mannequins?!?!
Mind you it was pretty cold as well... so you gotta consider the occupational health hazards of their uniforms ;-)
Funny, actual women are allowed to dress like this but it ishameful on a mannequin?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Well the next time I is in the States I am Definately going to this