Site layout - Forum restructure/ recategorisation? (and remove blogs :) )
In another discussion the possible restructure/ recategorisation of the forums section was mentioned and thoughts invited.... but it was buried in a sidelined topic and almost no-one responded. (Original thread here: )
Personally, I think a reorganisation of the forum topics would be a good idea so I thought I'd raise the topic again in its own thread.
The things Qatari asked for feedback on were:
1. What other Forum areas are required? Give me a list of sections that you think are useful and we'll add the best ones.
2. Should I restrict the use of blogs to only people who want to actually keep a "web log" - i.e. a diary or journal. Maybe whoever wants this can request it.
So - some thoughts I have:
- I still think the blog function should be totally scrapped. JMHO.
- Failing that, the blogs should definitely be separated from the general forums somehow, for example:
--- by requiring a separate application process - I certainly think making people apply for a blog, rather than giving them one by default, is a good idea
--- by having the blogs appear in a different style, perhaps, and definitely on a different page (ie make them harder to find and therefore not as easy for new members to accidentally make a blog post instead of a forum post)
- The forum topics could be expanded, but only if a concise, easy-to-access summary page of "New Posts" can be accessed. IMO, the (current) "Recent Posts" page is the only (semi-)convenient method for regular users to check the site. If there were to be even more categories in the Forums section, then that New Posts page should list *which* sub-forum section each post appears under.
- I suggest a "New Posts Since Your Last Visit" link on the front page that then takes you to a Summary Page listing (perhaps in tabular form): Forum Category / Thread Title / Original Creator / Number of Comments / Number of Views (if you think necessary) / Last Comment Date+Time / Last Comment Author / and maybe a Last Comment Preview (ie the first 30 characters or something).
- My suggestions for possible new categories of the Forums:
--- Preparations and Setup (or something similar... for initial queries and/or general questions on moving, setting up home, etc)
--- Socialising in Qatar (info on restaurants, events, gatherings, clubs etc)
--- Family Life in Qatar (schools, childcare, activities for kids etc)
--- Doha Shopping (Malls and Souks; where to find certain things)
--- Sightseeing in Qatar (... maybe not necessary)
--- Qatari Culture
--- General Life in Qatar (catch-all area for other stuff)
--- Opportunities in Qatar (for all the "what sort of work will I find" queries)
--- Visas and Other Procedural Issues
--- Financial Issues (queries re "what salary" etc)
--- General Work Issues (problems/ miscellaneous)
--- News and Announcements
--- Problems or Comments?
Just my 2 cents' worth.
Okay kids...the Forums have been updated to include Loki's suggestions...please post in the correct category!
They are currently seperated. The front page just contains interesting stuff from both the forums and the blogs. Click here to see the actual Forums...
About the classifiocations..hummm I didn’t really like the LIFE IN QATAR..There’ll be so many confusing categories., but the WORKING IN QATAR is just GREAT !! and the QATAR LIVING WEBSITE ISSUES is cool too.
You rock, loki :-)
Yes, blogs must be separated.I agreeeeeeeeee!
I totally agree with you, forums must be separated from personal belogs. I'm not interested to read personal thoughts or what somebody did in the forum.
I would agree that the Blogs need to be moved or changed so that they are different than the Forum. Forum should be for discussion of topics, blogs for the thoughts and personal ranting of the blog author.
Thanks for the feedback Loki! Some great this space :)