Situations (1)
I will address this to a specific type of people who has a lack in one part of Etiquette or behavior.
Gathering with friends is good as long as it does not hurts others who are around you.
Some people when gathering in malls choose to make a meeting at the entrance of the shops why not in one corner inside the shop or some where away from the entrance?
My advice to them please have some kind of good Etiquette and do not disturb others.
This also brings to my mind some people who lough so so loudly which can wake you up if you were sleeping in a house close to his/her house.
Ok let them lough and enjoy but does it have to be so loudly?
Let us all have some kind of Etiquette and enjoy our lives.
jj75 said GP - no one denies that there ... GP - no one denies that there are distinct financial advantages to living here but there are also certain drawbacks. If Qatar wants to drag itself into the 21st century...CAN U SEE IT NOW?
( -: wail on Solider! for i'm wth u all the way on this one.....Yes Qatar has some serious issues with it's labor laws ,yes some parents are either 2 naive or 2 lovin to drive around with their kids sittin in their lap those folks get pulled over by the police 'n ticketed.Yes abuse of domestic helpers is another issue that i'm upset abt.u see there are manythings i find upsetting liek the trafficking of under-aged childern and the kidnappin of grown up women and gurls from north Africa and Eastern Eruope in to Western Eruope and the UK in specific as it was professionally investaged by the BBC and Channel 4 ... now that's very upsetting!yeh things like phone tappin 'n arrestin brown ppl for nothin.remember the Latino guy the london police shot a couple yrs back?'n do u know why they shot him? cuz he looked middle-eastern ! u know light brown skin thick hair black eyes, could easly pass for an Iraqi or a morrocan and then after they shoot him they don't even wanna say sorry /: well yeaah who cares! he is just another one of 'em brownies!see bottom line is we could sit here 'n play ping bong all day 'n nite but punch line is none of this gonna in anyway help understand or solve anything cuz u don't work anythin out by being picky.
GP - also, don't put words into my mouth, I did not call them backward people, you did, if you do that again, I will ask the moderators to intervene.
ok GP - you asked for it:
children sitting in their parents laps in the car!
The onerous sponsorshp laws which means the most vulnerable workers have no protection from abuse
Maid abuse
These are the things I refer to and to deny they actually go on is not to progress. There is no doubt that Qatar has spent its money wisely in many ways but they still have a long way to go!
JJJ u just caleld them "Backward ppl" ......( Drag it self into 21st century )! WoW! i hope didn't confuse all the skyscrapers t and the twoers all around down town for some 7th century Alladieen Diseny world styled Arabian CASTLES!! yeh and 'em brand shining new cars as well-kept camels and horses, and the aljazeera News station with all it's amazing up to date 'n 2 the hour reporting of all events around the world ranging from wars to sports and the famous Tapaica Qatar flim Fastevil it's all part of the stone age area right? all the on-going projects in the pearl all the development around the clock for the 22 WC it's all part of the Jine in the lamp trick right? btw this is Alladieen posting all these comments!pff! 21st century!
GP - have you actually noticed that I have not actually complained specifically about anything and yet you are the one that seems to have got onto his highhorse!
GP - this is called a forum where we can all have a say and it is also very naive to sit there and think that Qatar is perfect.
If you went to the UK, I am sure you would find people blogging about how the UK is not perfect - I have no issue with this, it is not perfect and to deny the truth is not to move forward
BTW - my standard of living is not much different here to what it is in the UK, in some ways better and in some ways worse.
oh so u think they need us to tell them what to do and what not to do or point them out to the where the path of the 21st cenutry is?'n BTW when u say drag it self into the 21st cenutry, is that another way to saying " they are backwards" a slightly more polite and mild way. Besides, who gives you the right to set your self up as the extreme high court of what's right 'n what's wrong and what's 21st cenutry and what's stone age?and one more sincerely honest question would u have liked it if a foreigner came to your country seeking work and a better life ( dollers and Euros ) which for now Eruope has ran dry of, and so u give them jobs houses and a life standard they never dreamed of not even in their dreams but , then just like my dog starts playing in the plate full plate that was offerd to the expats by thsi generious govt but how re some of those expats showing gratitude for the chance and the new life? see after they fill up their greed now that's exactly how expats moaning abt their live in Qatar sound/look like. just like my dog playin in it's plate when she gets full.
Well said .
why is the title of this topic situations (1), is there a next situation?
GP - no one denies that there are distinct financial advantages to living here but there are also certain drawbacks. If Qatar wants to drag itself into the 21st century then some of these comments are well worth heeding. I agree some are just big moaners but there are also some valid points. However, as I said before, this is not one of them
yeh sure everybody is free to have their say is one thing and every body is free to get nosy 'n picky as tho they come from heaven above is not freedom of xpression is't just pure hypocrisy (- : and especially when that country is offering you money u could only dream of back in whatever advanced civlized Virtual City ptfect land you come from.
GP get over yourself. Everyone is entitled to have their say - otherwise it would be like living in North Korea where no one is allowed to criticise or challenge the status quo.
If you don't like it, just ignore it and read another forum topic - perhaps one that 2012 starts????
like the fact that you all are here neglecting your work which is why you came here to Qatar in the first place and on QL dissin 'n complaining abt the same country that's keep ur families back home fed and clothed with elect-bills cleared 'n house rent paid /: now that's very weird
I care about myself, is why I'm worried about the hole in my sock :-(
plenty weird/annoying stuff about Qatar
come on guys let us list some situations which you think it is weird and let us discuss them and see if we agree or no.
Clot45 do not be like those people who have thendency of not caring of them selves.
I just realised that one of my socks has a hole :-(
just focus on the 80% of the things that's within your control....
remember the 80-20 rule.
This is very much a non problem - there are lots of things to worry about in life but this is not one of them
they drive badly coz they are too fast and too furious.....:(
that there must be some kind of Etiquette
Come on guys answer what do you gain if you drive badly?
Will you be happy if you hit some one and get him/her injured?
Why do you ask me that, SA? Ask them.
Why do they have to drive badly?
pfff! yeh 'n also how come there are no birds or elephants around 'em malls? and why ppl walk on tow and not on four? and why carts make noise when the driver hits the engine? and why the hell do you care what other people do or where they choose to stand at an entrace to a mall?!!!! JEEEZ u really got too much time on ur hand to be sittin at ur desk 'n typin all that moaning minie looney beans!
SA, you sound like a real moaning minnie.Time to lighten up and take a chill pill.
I agree with you, SA. Let's have some kind of etiquette in the streets! Why do they have to drive so badly?
my usual meeting spot is in the parking lot of the Malls where i meet Ting ling, cham paing, Lust lee, and bust tee.....:)