“It’s very small, comfortable and dark, maybe a former nursery.”
Pierre Stooss, a Hollywood estate agent, said snoratoria were growing in popularity.
“Sometimes it just starts off as a temporary measure, but then word spreads and now everyone with the space wants one,” he said.
“The key is making it as silent as you can, inside and outside. Some rooms have fish tanks to cover the noise and soothe the snorer.”
Men are thought to become more prone to snoring in their 40s as the soft palate relaxes, creating more noise during sleep.
Judith Sheindlin, 68, who hosts the daytime television show Judge Judy, recently admitted building a snoratorium at her 23-acre estate in Connecticut.
“We have an extra room that we call the snoring room. It’s not necessarily for my husband. I have been told that I snore, although I cannot hear myself,” she said.
MBK : Doctor, as soon as I fall asleep I start snoring?Doctor : Is your snoring loud?MBK : Yes, very.Doctor : And does it bother your wife?MBK : I’m not married.Doctor : Then what’s the problem.MBK : I have lost five jobs because of it.
Don't tell me that you would you forego "Love" because of snoring :O(
Yeah, MBK, you are right. I misread that and was deliriously happy for a couple of seconds ... :0(
How do we know that Katie Holmes wasn't the one snoring? :P
But hey, I've heard about the snoring breaking up marriages! So much for commitment ... See? That's why character is important to suss out before taking the leap into the abyss, I mean marriage.
Eagley I thought it was Tom who snored not Katie? or am I wrong..:)
Aha.. Well I did not wanted you to stop your leisurely walk..:)Plus was in a hurry heading to the little boys room..:)
Damn you.. I was incognito.... and yes, he was cute, wasn't he :O)
Why didn't you say hello ?
Brit did I see on the Corniche last night with a red T Shirt on..:) Who was your companion the guy looked cute..:)
lol britey !then i guess she needs to go back to her room until unless the 'itch' comes back or collect the itch in a bottle and close it and opens when she reaches the other room...:)
What happens if by the time you get out of bed, comb your hair (does not apply to Rizks) , find your slipper, walk to the other room - the "itch" has gone away :O(
LP sorry to say, but u r blind with tat one eye of urs also...:(I didnt show any fingers to you - u blind penguin ! :)
One, Rizks, the one in the middle.
LP can u tell me how many fingers are these ? :(
Right, brit. Before I used to use a towel.
Just what I want to see, Rizks.
You silly popadum.. LP just moves the patch to his good eye when going to bed :O)
Brit, that's why they turn the walk-in closet into the snore room! LOL.
LP can u see properly with ur one eye at this old age ? :(
Valid point - and others cannot sleep unless feeling the warmth of the person next to them :O)
Kareena: problem is that many homeowners nowdays don't have the luxury of adjoing roms :O(
I wear the flap only on QL, Rizks. I don't wanna see everything happening here.
LP do u sleep with tat one eye covered or u remove tat cover ? :(
It depends on the relation. Some people don't sleep at all when they are together!
If you read novels about that era, you will find that husband and wife had separate but adjoining rooms.. So whenever one of them had an itch, they would visit their better half and then return to their own room to sleep.. This is a good idea actually.. More privacy and lots of space. Who says that husband and wife should share a room??? They can have a perfectly healthy marital relationship and yet sleep in separate rooms..
double post
If you've got the money it makes more sense then using the spare room I guess. Although I heard the actual fad (at least before the recession) was building houses with 2 master bedrooms.
MBK its coz our ears and mind is half asleep, so tatz why u dont get disturbed by ur own snoring...:)
Pilgram now I get it why I end up on the Couch so many times in a week, I have a problem of snoozing off while watching telly and I guess thats a good excuse for Mrs MBK to leave me there and she can go and have her beauty sleep :(Also why is that the person who snores doesnt get disturbed by his/her own snoring and yet others do?
My point was that "do we really need a snore room" ? Why not use the spare room as we all do ?
So, its just a fad for the rich and idiotic..
Is Bella a Sheep?
This is hardly new Brit. Women have been kicking Husbands into the spare room for centuries when the snoring gets too loud. I know my Father (who snores like a train going through the room) has spent a lot of nights in the spare room. I know of couples who have slept seperately for decades because of one of the partners loud snoring, and they claim the move has made their marriage better.
Hope you managed to sound proof it. Remember the problems caused last time, when the sheep woke up the neighbours in the upstairs tent :O(
dont know about Snoring room, but i do have an extra room called 'Love making room' which is sound proof and peeping in proof...:)