Solution Please, PLEASE HELP
Hi all,
Ok I posted many topics, and I have a clear idea about a lot of stuff before going to Qatar. But there is a problem I think I am gonna face.
Ok, when I go to Qatar, the company will accomodate me in a hotel for one month on their expense, after that I have to find myself an apartment. Here comes the problem:-
As I have been reading, it mght take from 1 month to 2 months until I can swtich my visit visa to residential visa, so this means for about a month or more I will NOT be able to :
Rent an apartment
Buy a car
Get a Driving liscence
Open a bank account
Get a mobile line
Since all the above require to have a resident permit , I wont be able to do any of the above for some time.
Any suggestions or advices are highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot
They set it up for me as they had a rep from the bank sort all that stuff for them. Try for a status account at the HSBC, with this you get one free transfer per month if you wish to send funds back to your account at home. You should get in touch with the HR dept of your company and they should help you with all this.
Ok, here is one option for you, doha bank has a "Welcom Package" for new comers, visit the following URL for more information:
Hey mate,
As for the bank account, your company would give you a letter stating your salary and your designation and that "Your RP is currently under process", and that letter will let you open a Checking Account in the bank- basically that account would be your Salary Transfer account for your salary -> account...
Lullabelle, Thanks for the reply,
as far your bank account, were you able to open only saving account or also checking?
I am here on a visit visa (Waiting to start work) and I have a bank account, mobile and a driving license. You just need to make sure you renew them (Visit visa 100 riyals for extra month - upto max 3 months and driving license to start is 250 riyals then 100 to renew every month) until all your paper work is complete. You will need a letter from your sponsor for the license. Good luck.
to resident visa (or commonly known as resident permit) later on. it may take 1 - 3 mths. with the RP, you will get the Qatar id card as well. Some of the things below dont require RP to proceed :
Open a bank account - for savings account, passport will do.
Get a mobile line - passport will do. at least for pre paid card.
you dont need a resident permit to buy a sim card--u can buy by providing a copy of your passport with stamp from your sponsor
opening a bank account u can--same as the reuirements for your sim card--u just need some papers from your sponsor (Company) copy of resident permit will follow--try doha bank when you come here
renting an apartment i think is not a problem--u can rent without rp--unless u are going to deal with big time apartment..
oks hope this will help..
Thanks for the reply draj,
ok , I need to understand something, I am a bit confused.
When I come on work visa, is this the same of resident visa? or does the work visa get transfered later to a resident visa?
just come in on work visa... no tension...