Some things really becoming worthless
In India, Toilet Paper Becomes More Valuable Than the Rupee
India is slowly, or rapidly, becoming a complete financial disaster. Growth has slowed and the nation is trying to do what it can to fight inflation while still trying to juice up the economy
India is a market and economy with great promise. Its growth generally rivals that of China and its population is over 1.2 billion. It is also a young population, and one that is still growing. Unfortunately, its policies are not working and its infrastructure is simply not up to date in a manner that can support its full potential growth rate ahead. And at the end of the day, the country simply has to develop internal growth, as it cannot simply rely on being an outsourced-IT and outsourced call center nation for the rest of the world.
It was previously said that the Indian rupee is becoming worth less than the paper it is printed on. Unfortunately, toilet paper is holding its value in dollars better than the nation's currency
everyone knows that you are beyond comparison,even to the retard monkey. if your specialty is comprehension, make my day. LOL
Typical Indian small mindedness. No wonder your country is struggling to move from third world slum to modern developed country
open up the economy for who? the conglomerates? it will be a disaster
Yay!!! I got another useless point !
A good way - Start develop the IC Chips indigenously
for a country sending rockets into space we do not have even one IC chips manufacturing unit.
But lots of Potato Chips manufacturing units...
do something to their country, If these investors become united then they can help if there will be no corruption.
Good observation. Any pointers after dropping being the IT and outsorced call centre nation to the world what could it do to turn around?
AAP effect... suddenly too much black money in circulation...
maybe increased by 50 to 100 times normal circulation level...
Expect some super big budget Hindi movie announcement shortly... lol
And at the end of the day, the country simply has to develop internal growth, as it cannot simply rely on being an outsourced-IT and outsourced call center nation for the rest of the world.
Agree with painther,
i kind of see where you're coming from..listening to those so called analysts on tv talking about the economy, markets and using cheesy buzzwords like 'fiscal cliff' to spell out doom makes me seems to me that they speak for a half hour and yet add zero value to the topic they're discussing..rant over
Some people (shallow) go overboard in everything; They did in 2000-06 period with so-called India story, now in just few qtrs they’ve declared it all doomed.
disgusting to call a currency toilet paper? but, QL gets best of frustrated people :)
Yen is around 100/$, does that make it a toilet paper? Such ups n down are normal, in personal lives, country’s life, what’s big deal?
Some people here use Rupee every morning in toilet, yes you can-it’s free world!!! But that doesn’t make you a lesser loser :) :)
I heard that Italian lady has more than 100 Million in her custody, so how could India jump over from this hurdle?
is a conspiracy behind it ........
How I wish economy of countries worked at whims and followed the sinusoidal pattern. However, guess it doesnt work like that. I doubt if most of commentators actually know what is happening or just to satisfy their itch to write on the hot topics state opinions based on the current mood or direction of that activity. It is almost always seen in case of stock price movements, when a stock is beaten down all recommendations would be to stay away and the technical charts which looked promising yesterday suddenly get filled with gloom the next day.
Guess, everything has its own time span to react this way or that way and its weight makes the turnaround time longer or shorter.
Give me some of that valueless paper.
India needs to open up it's economy, it is stuck with a mindset from a 100 years ago. Let the FDI flow and see how things will change.
For now I am swapping to the Ruppee, soft, strong and absorbs all toilet stains...