Thank you for Qatar Information
By ngirramini •
I'd just like to thank everyone who contributes to this website. I have found it most valuable in researching many questions and queries which I had regarding working and living in Qatar. This is the first time I have actually posted a note, but have gained great insight and information by reading previous posts with your responses. As a result I have decided to apply for the position in Qatar. If successful I look forward to the opportunity of living in this fascinating country and meeting some remarkable people. Thank you.
i decided to get the job and now I'm here in Doha.
So far nice country, nice people and hope for it to be even better.
Best regards and gretings to all Qlers......thanks people...keep it up....
By the way I'm from Venezuela and work in the O&G Industry.
That is true! QL been very helpful to me specially filexpat group. Welcome to you. what country are you?
Welcome and Best Of Luck buddy...
Keep Smiling...
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill