Three condoms and your out law?

By Olive

What if you just bought a pack of 12 from the pharmacy?

Don't Carry Condoms in D.C. -- You Could Be Charged With Prostitution

by Alex DiBranco
Published January 07, 2010 @ 08:42AM PT

Think you might get lucky tonight? Well, if you're in D.C., don't bring more than two condoms in your purse, or you could be arrested as a prostitute.

In D.C., police can declare "Prostitution Free Zones" where officers can pick up (I mean, arrest) anyone suspected of sex work. And they've been accused of using carrying three or more condoms as proof of intent to sell sex -- rather than intent to spend the weekend getting jiggy with a guy.

But as RH Reality Check points out, the real danger of this practice falls to people who actually are sex workers. [Update: due to some confusion in articles that have picked this story up, we've changed the term "law" to "practice," since by "law" we intended to refer to the declaration of Prostitution Free Zones, as distinguished from the enforcement practice of using condoms as evidence.] It pushes them to abandon safe sex techniques, putting their own health at risk as well as that of the general population. Add to this the fear of arrest or harassment that keeps sex workers from seeking health care, and you have a recipe for disaster. Everybody should know by now that the nation's capital has a rampant problem with HIV/AIDS; this backwards practice contributes to its spread (at three times the rate that characterizes a severe epidemic). It's not like you can expect the johns to bring their own rubbers.

This practice prioritizes making commercial areas look clean and pretty lady-free, not protecting the public's health. But the root of the problem isn't this one practice: it's the criminalization of sex work. If you want to criminalize something, stick to pimping -- after all, many of these women have been trafficked unwillingly and subjected to violence. If they weren't so afraid of being arrested for stepping forward to condemn their pimps, we'd have a better chance of finding the true criminals in this situation.

By plushed• 12 Jan 2010 16:00

true. but i think thats not really the issue t_coffee_or_me ..

thing is, for these kinds of laws, the sex workers will suffer the most, they will be more prone to serious sickness which they can pass on to their "customers" and so on. now, you can say that it is in their own risk when they entered that kind of well, business but they too have the right of protecting themselves against fatal health risks.

-=The desire to do what you shouldn'T is the very desire that defines Humanity=-

By t_coffee_or_me• 12 Jan 2010 15:51

Ladies tell your partners to buy .... its not rocket science





By Eagley• 12 Jan 2010 15:48

QS, bed of nails? :P

DaRuDe said "why this torture ..

dont you guys like me living happily?"

Torture? Aww, Wolfie, how can you misconstrue our gestures of our lurvve and affection?!? :P


Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 15:15

She should buy a pack, use all but 2 in the store from where she bought and then go home.

**** Aal Izz Well****

By Olive• 12 Jan 2010 15:15

That was my thought Biju! I mean are they going to stop women on their way home from the pharmacy? Not to mention there are places that give condoms away for free in places like DC for people who are to poor to buy them, what if they stop someone who's leaving one of these places after filling their pockets?

"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 15:12

condoms available only by packet not single one, if someone buy a packet and on the way if police arrest her?

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:56

dont you guys like me living happily?

By qatarisun• 12 Jan 2010 09:55

yes, we do have a pool.. but why to leave such a treasure in water? he said he prefers to sleep in bed.. i promiss, his dream will come true! ;)


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:50

i prefer sleeping in bed not in pool.

By Pajju• 12 Jan 2010 09:50

lol eaglemmanuel :)

By Eagley• 12 Jan 2010 09:48

DaRuDe said Qs if i wasnt allowed in home today then keep your doors open."

QS, does your place have a pool? If so, then we'll come over to toss DaFurBall in..


Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.

By Eagley• 12 Jan 2010 09:46

Dot.Com, yeah. Pajju is a happy person :P


Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:45

Qs if i wasnt allowed in home today then keep your doors open.

and Chocoholic you know what i am talking about those balloons you kept in envelop mentioning it as Birthday balloons :/

Oh yea Iphone got alot of Adult app these days :D check Itunes online you will find them all.

By Eagley• 12 Jan 2010 09:42

Olive said This isn't about men carrying condoms this is about women carrying condoms. "

Yeah.. the boys have lost the plot somewhere along the way, haven't they? Off on a tangent as usual? :P


Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.

By chocoholic• 12 Jan 2010 09:42

I have no idea what you're talking about.

And btw... iphone Sexit?? What is that, fav app of QL pervs?

No wonder you love your iphone so much :p

By qatarisun• 12 Jan 2010 09:41

no worries, Da..we have extra bedroom.. oh, just remembered, my hub is off to Dubai tonight for couple of days.. ;)


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 09:40

infact he's a __ay :D


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By Straight Arrow• 12 Jan 2010 09:40
Straight Arrow

Women can Washington DC and buy Condoms from pharmecies.

I think it is available in DC pharmecies.

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:39

i know you checked your car side box and found the weird kinda one's in there strange color and strange flavor did you get them from France.

By chocoholic• 12 Jan 2010 09:37

DaRuDe, might as well get out the suicide map

By Eagley• 12 Jan 2010 09:36

Dot.Com said our GF feel the taste, better u ask them :D "

But the fact that Pajju said he likes strawberry flavour implies...?


Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:34

to go home today

By Khanan• 12 Jan 2010 09:32
Khanan careful :P or....


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 09:28

"Be ready for the consequences (DaRude)."


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By Omar Waheed.• 12 Jan 2010 09:27
Omar Waheed.

our beloved always write in his own language


'' Live for Nothing or Die for Something ''


By qatarisun• 12 Jan 2010 09:27

she should be proud of you and your size, Da..


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By qatarisun• 12 Jan 2010 09:25

Dot. Com.. were you trying to say something?


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 09:24


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By Pajju• 12 Jan 2010 09:24

lol Da :) i will PM her :)

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:21

quiet some 1 on QL is reading my post. dont want to die tonight.

By qatarisun• 12 Jan 2010 09:20

Da, I think you are my size.. hate XL


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By Olive• 12 Jan 2010 09:16

So Khalid, if your wife was stopped by the police in Washington DC, she could be arrested for being a prostitute if she's carrying condoms. I don't think that's very fair.

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:15

what are you ?? some married guy condom inspector??? checking every one's car. Need to check your car now how many pills you have.

By Olive• 12 Jan 2010 09:14

This isn't about men carrying condoms this is about women carrying condoms.

By Straight Arrow• 12 Jan 2010 09:14
Straight Arrow

Yes I agree it is also used for birth control

By pinkpanther81177• 12 Jan 2010 09:13

what if a married man carries condom and hides in his car where he doesnt have any relationship with his wife... i know some guys who are hiding condoms in their car...

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:11

you mean make it like a rain coat. :P

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 09:10

Darude if you want it any bigger ....just cut open the other

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:09

and after aaaaaaalllllllllll this time it was the condom topic that landed you on forum once again. You perv.Now guess soon Tigasin will also land and express his dirty feelings.

By Gumby• 12 Jan 2010 09:08

Bah, condoms are for having water balloon fights. A single and unmarried man wouldn't have any need for one except to use in a good balloon fight as he clearly would never have sex until marriage.

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 09:08

what size do you use. i use xxs size :D

By Olive• 12 Jan 2010 09:04

Condoms aren't just for people practicing "illegal" sex Khalid, married couples use them to for birth control.

By Straight Arrow• 12 Jan 2010 09:01
Rating: 5/5
Straight Arrow

HIV Causes and Prevention

HIV Causes and Prevention

HIV is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the root cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. Basically, AIDS is a failure of the immune system and not a separate disease. Today, it has become an epidemic that takes millions of lives across the world.

HIV is a grave problem for several reasons.

It can replicate itself and spread easily within the body.

The body does not get much time to recognize and develop a vaccine against this virus.

HIV attacks the T-helper lymphocyte cells, an important part of the immune system.

Causes of HIV

Direct exchange of HIV happens through blood, semen, pre-ejaculate, breast milk and vaginal fluid. The reasons for HIV infection include use the contaminated needles, unprotected sexual intercourse, blood transfusions or blood products, vertical transmission (from the mother to baby) and breast milk.

Symptoms of HIV


Swollen glands

Sore throat


Painful muscles and joints


Nausea and vomiting


Flu-like symptoms

Prevention of HIV

Till now, no cure or vaccine has been developed to eradicate HIV or AIDS completely. This is due to the rapid mutation of the virus in the patient’s body, resulting in multiple strands. Even if there is vaccine for one strand, the others may be resistant and continue to infect people.

At best, you can take adequate measure to prevent HIV infection and avoid exposure to the virus. There are several ways to do this:

Using condoms and avoiding unprotected sexual intercourse

Not breast-feeding your children if you are HIV+

Not sharing needles or other drug paraphernalia

Using sterile equipment, for purposes like surgery, tattooing and body piercing

People at high risk include:

Male homosexuals


Injecting drug users

Sexual partners of infected people

In view of the rising HIV infected patients, blood and blood products in many countries are screened and heat-treated to kill any infections before using them for patients. However, such practices are mostly used in developed countries only while the developing countries often neglect verification before blood transfusion or operations.

By conducting blood tests, doctors can detect antibodies for HIV and identify infected people. However, antibodies to HIV can take as long as three months to appear in the blood after infection. So, many people may test as negative but may actually be infected with HIV. Thus, this is no confirmation whether a person is HIV infected or not.

The long latent stage between HIV infection and development of AIDS makes it difficult to control the spread of this disease. Moreover, HIV can be asymptomatic, which implies that people may be unaware that they are infected till they reach a critical stage.

Recently, a technique called contact tracing has been introduced in US and UK. This involves people diagnosed with HIV who are willing to identify people they may have put at risk of infection or may have infected so that those people can be recommended to take HIV tests. This allows wider testing for potential HIV patients and reduces chances of further transmission of the disease.


By Arien• 12 Jan 2010 08:59


By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:57

We used to use them as water balloons during Holi....makes massive and some times unbreakable water balloons.....(back then they were thicker)....

By Straight Arrow• 12 Jan 2010 08:54
Straight Arrow

Ok actually the use of Condoms is always necessary for those who practice illegal sex.

More children are having HIVs in europe please go and see

Regional statistics for HIV & AIDS, end of 2008

please see

1.3 - 1.4 milion people or children in North America are having HIVs

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:44

We use them as baloons to drop dynamite on the enemy ships.

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:44


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By qatarisun• 12 Jan 2010 08:43
Rating: 4/5

do you guys eat them or what?


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By Rizks• 12 Jan 2010 08:42

Pajju you mean you like the strawberry flavor Dildo ? :)

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:41


Yao Shaan Pukhtoon, Yao Shaan Wajood dEY

Ka Kabalay dEY, ao ka Pekhorey dEY

Yao Mey Zarrgey dEY, Yao mey Zigger dEY

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:40

There goes a brand new pack in the dustbin :(

**** Aal Izz Well****

By qatarisun• 12 Jan 2010 08:39
Rating: 2/5

let the guys carry the condoms...

actually they also might be accused of working as prostitutes (gigolo?)..


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By Omar Waheed.• 12 Jan 2010 08:38
Omar Waheed.

lol pajju


'' Live for Nothing or Die for Something ''


By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 08:35

a survey cherry has beaten chocolate.

By Olive• 12 Jan 2010 08:35

I'm sure if they caught you here with condoms and you aren't married that would be illegal as it implies you're having pre-marital sex.

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:33

I hope there is no such law in Qatar. I am worried :(

**** Aal Izz Well****

By Pajju• 12 Jan 2010 08:33

i like strwberry flavour :P

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:33

Pirate ships are international territory. No laws apply.

By DaRuDe• 12 Jan 2010 08:30
Rating: 5/5

Sex without a condom is illegal

The only acceptable sexual position in W D>C is the missionary style. any other position is considered illigle

A law in faibanks Alaska doesnt allow moose to have sex in city street.

Source Iphone SEXit :D

and there are thousand more funny ones

still couldnt get any about the damn Canadians.

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