Unfair World !
International community acts on issues of other countries not dependding on the seriousness but depending on the fact if it serves their own interests. How selfish is that!
Countries which do not have oil or natural resources to offer get neglected even if their children are killed or women are raped! The entire world watches even if some psychopathic dictator kills and maims his own people in hundreds and thousands.
I wish the major upcoming economies and associations like BRICS take a more humane approach to resolving human conflict in regions like Somalia, Uganda, Iraq,Afghanisatan etc. and look at it from a different standpoint.
This discussion is always relevant.
Olymp & Nomerci - I expect them to act with uniform approach basedon some principle or moal obligation. Iknow this sounds Greek in todays world but thats how it should be.
I second Olympics.
we cant made everyone to be good, best way is to give power to good ppls to control bad ppls but must find first who is the good one and it's hard to do so.
this is how business work, sad but true.
How do you expect them to act? A country has a duty to act in its own citizens best interests. How else should it act?
Welcome to reality...
Its all about oil and not about freedom...Syria is in crisis and the entire world is mute...how unfortunate and sad.
The situation in Iraq where Saddam's son Udey killed hundreds of his own people is a well documented fact and was even in the media but nothing was done till Saddam occupied the oil rich Kuwait. Only then it prompted the powers to spring into action.