weight problems..?
Although eating is one of the most primary acts of all species, its meaning changes with human beings because only they can convert it into a meditative act. Most of the time people eat unconsciously. For everyone except the man, eating is for the survival, but the man uses gobbling for many a psychological motive. If he feels lonely, or unwanted; if he is disturbed about something he fills the void inside by food. We may call it psychological eating. Physiological eating is never excessive because the body has its own wisdom and uses it to maintain itself efficiently.
Since human beings have consciousness, they can use every act for becoming more conscious. If you eat sensitively and consciously, eating can be a celebration of senses. It will nourish the body and the soul.
Ateesha, the great Tibetan master has advised seekers " to abandon poisonous food.'' What is poisonous food? It is the food that is not in sync with the body, which is grown with poisonous manure and attitude.
He is encouraging people not to eat food. Or he is trying to make a fool of himself
And the question is? or was it a statement?
Sorry, I am confused!!! what are we discussing here?
...You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...