Weird nicknames
Is Australia the only country that has (weird) nicknames for their national sporting teams?
Wheelabies = mens paralympic team (wheelchair rugby!)
Wallabies = national rugby union team
Socceroos = mens national football/soccer team
Olyroos = mens olympic football/soccer team
Matidas = womens national football/soccer team
Joeys = u/17 national football/soccer team
Kookaburras = mens national hockey team
Hockeyroos = womens national hockey team
Kangaroos = national rugby league team
Boomers = mens national basketball team
Opals = womens national basketball team
now I know....the weirdness
"swim like a current,stand like a rock"
Did you mean Rugby Lague ?
We have very strict rules here ...
Rule 1 - "No Poofters..
Rule 2 - "No Poofters..
cooldohaman incorrect. our cricket team is referred to as the 'baggy greens'.
others refer to them as 'arrogant c*nts'.
also Kangaroos = national cricket team
britexpat, poofters for your league team?
Yes we have niknames also..
Wan*ers - For our football team
Wallies - For our Rugby team
Tossers - For our Cricket team