What about men??
from BBC
Coffee may prevent depression, scientists say
Women who drink two or more cups of coffee a day are less likely to get depressed, research suggests.
It is not clear why it might have this effect, but the authors believe caffeine in coffee may alter the brain's chemistry. Decaffeinated coffee did not have the same effect.
The findings, published in Archives of Internal Medicine, come from a study of more than 50,000 US female nurses.
The experts are now recommending more work to better understand the link.
And they say it is certainly too soon to start recommending that women should drink more coffee to boost mood.
Read more:
There are moments of depression nothing can get you out of it.
Not coffee neither chocolate
I prefer chocolates or ice cream.
It is really tough what to believe and what not. Now this link, authenticity of which I am not sure of, says otherwise...:)
Drinking coffee seems to cause me more harm than good so I avoid it. Chocolate, as NM pointed out, is a far better mood booster!
This is research that has come from the Nurses' Health Studies, which have been going on for decades. The research sample only includes women, so it isn't able to produce findings relevant to men.
However, the news report you link to is from 2011. Since then there have been findings relevant to men:
I prefer to drink black tea after dinner.............:)
Why do they publish something which they havent yet concluded:
"And they say it is certainly too soon to start recommending that women should drink more coffee to boost mood"
(I am not sure if there is any rider in the link as the link doesn't open)...:)
i prefer peanuts
Thats why my wifi drink lots of coffee when I'm around.
i dont know abt depression, but my day never started if i dont take my morning tea/coffee.... and caffeine keeps me going .... and even when going gets tough :-)
Its rare I get depressed but when I am I do drink coffee or do a Yoga Walk or try to be with someone I love. :)
Chocolate with Coke is one of my favorite. :) Nomy You are invited this weekend to have a choco fight in my bathtub. :))
I prefer chocolate.