What the P***?!

By chocaholic

I was watching MasterChef Australia on Fox yesterday.
The contestants' challenge was to shop for and create a dish based on a famous chef's recipe, within a certain period of time.
Well, one of the ingredients in the recipe was pork. And from the moment they went shopping right through till the presentation and judging, it is but obvious that they would use the word 'pork' several times. They did.
But it was BLIPPED OUT!!!

Now, I don't know whether I should still be shocked at something like this : maybe a lot of you will think this a very naive comment, but I am. I am shocked. To me, this is veering toward the beyond-ridiculous.
Apart from the fact that it is irritating to watch a show constantly interrupted like this, isn't it just downright silly?!
Respect for a country's traditions and laws entails that we don't buy or eat it here, but how naive is it to pretend that it actually doesn't exist?!

So I have to blip myself out, too, when I tell a friend I'm missing p***?

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 18:47

Since p*** doesn't exist, neither tangibly nor even as a word, they probably wouldn't be 'allowed' to even know about the option.


By Xena• 13 Apr 2011 18:26

with all the research being done on heart valves being made from pig's arteries, would someone who finds pork haram, decide to take his/her chances with death, or risk burning for eternity by having the procedure done?

By Milky_BarKid• 13 Apr 2011 16:15

I guess pigs are too close too Humans, I even heard someone say that the reason why they don't Pork is because it may be classified as cannibalism? duh ?

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 15:35

Xena, they might be using cats for that purpose

By snessy• 13 Apr 2011 14:28

I think I'm hallucinating :-(

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 14:24

Who's serving Snessy? Make that a double order, please!

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 14:22

Thanks, but the '90% leaner' is but small consolation for what it lacks in taste


By snessy• 13 Apr 2011 14:22

2 sausages, bacon, a sunny side up egg (well done), fried tomatoes and mushrooms for me please...and 2 slices of white toast - ta very much :-)

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 14:14

You wanna give it a go? I can promise to be your best customer! :)

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 14:11

As far as I know, those are merely processed versions made of the meat of different animals to resemble what is originally a pork cut.

Like, chicken sausage is a contradiction in terms :)

By painther• 13 Apr 2011 14:04

Chocaholic, Yep, I’m veggie (by choice) but I love to see the “feel of content” & “over-invigorated” faces of friends after having **beep beep** :)

Offence?? Not at all, I’m not the local broadcasting regulator :)

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 14:01

Then we should start selling pork sirloin and see if it works.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:56

Thought their's would your theme song...

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:55

They don't 'black' out the word 'bacon' in the supermarkets or on the menus just because they make it with beef?

That's maturity and consistency for you :)

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 13:54

Sheesh man I forgot about them..must download their song :P

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:53

Go! Go! And don't forget to bring home the bacon :)

OOPS! Don't forget to bring home the *bleep* :D

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:51

I didn't know you were vegetarian. Thanks for putting up with this...hope we didn't offend you :)

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 13:50

I'm not from Palestine! I'm INDIAN!!

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:47

Oh, you poor Philistine. No wonder Jervis just called you 'black swine'


By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 13:40

And why was black Swan banned in Qatar again? I started to watch the movie and then fell asleep...

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:37

There is actually a very celebrated black swine in an area of Sicily. Celebrated as in award-winning, premium, expensive meat. It's called the 'suino nero di Nebrodi'

Sigh yet again...

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:25

Thought so.

On an unrelated note, I hate that they banned 'Black Swan' here! :(

Then again, with the kind of graceless butchering that passes in the name of film censorship here (really, can they not even use an editor?!), it's probably better for Aronofsky's reputation :)

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 13:23

Choca is so simple...*chuckles* here have another glass of wine..and pass me the swine!

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:19

Oh yes! I knew I'd heard that acronym somewhere, but I was thinking along the lines of internet chat lingo :) Like it took me a while to figure out what ROFLMAO was :)

And yes, I have read the books (and The Hobbit), but the movie was a bit of a drag (don't bite my head off for saying that!). I just watched the first instalment.

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 13:18

And it was not called BABE...they renamed the movie to "BABA"

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 13:10

Please don't talk about smuggling on the open thread...there are people watching! Lets do it on FB :P

By painther• 13 Apr 2011 13:09

happy, even you are not hypocrite, remain happy :)

I’m not hypocrite (let me clear before somebody starts counting on me) because-

1. I commit mistakes, that’s human nature, but I’m there to correct it too….if I claim being perfect, I’m hypocrite for sure.

2. Hypocrite is related to consciously two-facedness, to say something and to act something else.

Btw, P**k or No p**k , I’m veggie :)

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:06

Need some tips and tricks for (bleep) and (bleep) smuggling :)

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:05

Do any of you know whether they released 'Babe' in cinemas here? Just curious.

Jervis - I was just talking about sorpotel on a PM. Sigh...

By Milky_BarKid• 13 Apr 2011 13:04

Yep Mike I smuggled in (bleep) and (bleep) from my last trip to UAE last month.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 13:03

Let me rephrase that - trying not to be 'disrespectful', as Qhrys said.

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 13:00

now let's talk about (bleep!) smuggling!

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 12:59

I'm sorry i thought you wouldn't notice i took the wine bottle leaving you holding the glass :P I dont want you to listen to me..lets just shut up and DRINK! :P

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 12:57

What is LOTR? Pardon my Neanderthal online-jargon skills.

And no, that was not caving, or anything close. It was just tongue-in-cheek for a certain audience and 'respectful', as Qhrys said, for another certain audience.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 12:55

Wine glass MODE?! Who said anything about wine glass mode? Get this straight, lad - you want me to listen to you, that better be a tangible glass (and plastic will not do) with the real stuff in it :p

And some guys have all the pork? In Qatar, that would only be the Americans on the base, right? Got any friends there? :)

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 12:53

Yes, I'd term it, and many other things here, 'hypocrisy', too, but then 'hypocrisy' is specifically defined as an UNCONSCIOUS self-contradiction. And all of this isn't unconscious.

So I'll just stick to calling it downright silly. And I'm being polite.

By painther• 13 Apr 2011 12:53

Happy, NO, we ain't.


By happygolucky• 13 Apr 2011 12:51

painther..we all are hypocrites in one way or the other.

By painther• 13 Apr 2011 12:41
Rating: 4/5

Good debate (after long time in QL), except some participants conveniently shifting their side (not good in a healthy debate)…

So, one side says- it’s ridiculous; others say- it’s ok, their land, their rule, no big deal.

…carry one gents & ladies :)

I like this comment,

“ A lot of their 'target universe' holidays in Paris and Rome and London, and jets off to the Cote d'Azure for a long weekend.

Do they have to leave their senses of hearing/sight/smell behind?.”

…..I’d term it “Hypocrisy”.

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 12:40

I bet you are buddy...alas! Some guys have all the pork! err i meant luck!

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 12:37

Blasphemy! Jervis!

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 12:36

OK Qhris if you say so :P

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 12:34
Rating: 3/5

Choca cannot win with you lot. If she had kept in the 'ork' she would have been 'disrespectful'.

She leaves it out, and is 'giving in to her principles' (though she never said she doesn't respect it, just that it surprised her)


By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 12:31

Special Effects jervis my man...special Effects!

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 12:30

Tinker i dont believe banging your head on the wall will give me a headache...can we try out that theory to see if it works?

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 12:25

*Wine Glass Mode ON* Choca the more you try to understand the more you will get confused...Logic?? Ha...Ha...HA!

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 12:24

While I am a fierce believer in the 'to each his own' school, sometimes I think it is just used too loosely and conveniently.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 12:23

A lot of their 'target universe' holidays in Paris and Rome and London, and jets off to the Cote d'Azure for a long weekend.

Do they have to leave their senses of hearing/sight/smell behind? Not to argue, it's just that there is no logic I can find to it.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 12:19

I look forward to that brainwashing, as long as it's with vino :)

And Happy - I'm sorry, but you seem to have not quite understood. Thanks again, Qhrys :)

And no matter what, you CANNOT compare 'f-you' being bleeped-out to pork!

And while we may come 'armed' with a knowledge of a new country's do's and dont's, you're almost never quite prepared for all that you see. That comes with experience in the place.

So forgive me if I'm still a little agape. And yes, things still do shock me. This may be the ME, but it is also 2011.

By happygolucky• 13 Apr 2011 12:17

Qhris... dont know how you understood it that way. Anyways, I rest my case as I dont see any point in discussing or debating it any further, as I have said what I wanted to and dont see the need to add anything further, but before that since you mentioned it, by bleeping of the word they attempted at removing it from their target universe if not the universe per se... and that is just fine with me. Have a great day ahead...

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 12:00

Again, not to substitute chocaholic but she wasn't shocked that the word pork offended anyone, but that the bleeping of the word seemingly removes the offending item from the existence of the universe.

To me THAT is childish; like when you were a kid and put your fingers in your ears and 'LALALALALA' as loud as you can so you don't hear someone.

That person is still there, even if they offend you.

And so is pork.

By pereiraqatar• 13 Apr 2011 11:37

Expect Amazing.. like Olympics/World Cup 2022

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 11:35

milky thats the big question on our minds...if alcohol can be served in bars and sold at QDC why not pork? Serve pork at 5 star hotels as well. Why do they have it at the American Base?

By happygolucky• 13 Apr 2011 11:34
Rating: 4/5

Qhris/ chocaholic...IMO I think its not about pretending that something doesn't exist but rather accepting that it exists but considered not acceptable for distribution and hence censored. Same as the example of offensive (abusive) words being censored on Indian TV channels. Come to relate, in India if someone says f**ky*u (if not pork or beef) on a TV serial it would be offensive but guess the same word is completely OK for anything and everything in other countries. Do I feel shocked listening to that, NO... just take it in my stride and move on. Basically, its all about the acceptance, tolerance, sensibilities, priorities of different societies...what is acceptable to one may not be acceptable to other... saying that because its acceptable to me and not acceptable to you makes me feel shocked IMO is a bit childish so to say, more so in this day and age when at the tap of a few buttons we can know why someone behaved the way he behaved. Also while moving to a new country I always consider that one should get to know the do's and dont's, likes and dislikes, etc etc of that country when one has the means to do so and if not done take your time to get to know rather than jumping every time you find something different than you are otherwise used to.

By Milky_BarKid• 13 Apr 2011 11:32

Pork is available in Bahrain and UAE, so whats the big fuss here. What I wanna know is when it will be available in Qatar?

By Uranus1• 13 Apr 2011 11:26
Rating: 4/5

My favourite is watching a program in which the sensors have only a limited grasp of English, so that they bleep out pork but let every curse word before it go through. Or that fact that a magazine bought here it full of black marker ink, but the satellite TV packages are packed full of raunchy material. And pork products slip through here all the time in the form of pork gelatin in candy, breakfast cereals, etc.. They catch some of it, but not all of it. They used to sell Lucky Charms cereal (pork in the marshmallows) before someone figured it out, and the authorities conducted what looked like a drug raid on Megamart.

But then hypocrisy is funny sometimes.

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 11:23

err no no i said Rayyan Mineral Water :)

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 11:22

smoke, did you say wine? (bleep!)

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 11:21

Tinker I agrees, we need to sit down with chocaholic, wine glasses in hand and explain to her the Do's and Don't to expect in Qatar, so that she does not come on QL and be all SHOCKED!

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 11:20

Tinker, I don't disagree with the rules.

The problem is there are many "de facto" rules where things are judged depending on who the offender and the complainers are.

By crazy for cosmetics• 13 Apr 2011 11:11
crazy for cosmetics

wow some people r so silly. think my husbands fam r gunna die with all the peppa pig clothes, shoes and dvd's my kids got! mwahahahaa!! and yea actualy in the uk they do show children at school things that can b conciderd porn in sex education classes wich i for 1 think it is taught wey wey too young!!

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 11:10

Have you read the comments earlier about how sex education in the West is viewed? :)

Okay, before someone bites my head off - APPARENTLY viewed.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 11:06

Thanks for 'going' where I didn't (yet) dare :)

These 'obvious' thoughts and questions seem to be looked on as being too naive here to even ask why it is/not like that :(

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 11:04

Qhris, you got a valid point right there.

There's one more thing: the forbidden could result more attractive to many. I think the best approach is to educate and give people the freedom to choose.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 11:03

That reminded me of a joke I once heard on that old show M*A*S*H - the priest was playing volleyball (I think) with the guys of the unit and was surprisingly good at it. When asked how come, he says "I developed all my muscles fighting temptation" :)

On a serious note, I completely agree. In fact, it's what come to mind as obvious. But it seemed like too 'extreme' a thing to say in an environment where people think that it's completely alright to not allow a word, just a word, to even be heard.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 10:59

'The soft approach'? Care to elucidate? What would that be - years of 'protecting' their sensitive ears?

Brings me back to what Qhris said - how weak is your faith in your religious beliefs (and taboos) that you have to pretend that something just doesn't exist?!

Like I've said before, the kindest word that comes to mind is 'naive'.

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 10:57
Rating: 4/5

Well I will 'go there'; doesn't it make you a stronger person to have a plate of pork or a ice cold glass of beer in front of you and say 'This is a choice to drink/eat this, and it is my choice that in the name of my religion I say 'NO', and that is the right thing to do'.

Hiding it and making it not available isn't strength; that is like saying you sit in a room alone and stay faithful to your husband/wife. It is surely with the temptation, and the opportunity to say no to giving in to weakness, that you are a stronger person in your convictions, right....?

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 10:56

And this is just not the same as muting 'a-h***' or 'f***' or even 'bas****'

It is a word that depicts food, or like in the case of 'Lie to Me', an animal.

You talked of India - c'mon now, would they bleep it out if someone called someone else 'a stupid cow' on a show?!

Or if they talked of 'beef' on a food show?

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 10:53

Just remembered, I was watching 'Lie to Me' a few nights ago, and the muted 'pig' a couple of times. It took me a few minutes to figure out what the muted word was, but then I realised. However, since that COULD, if you really want to, be construed as abusive, I didn't really think too much about it.

After watching Masterchef and now connecting the two, it just seems ridiculous!

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 10:48

Happy - that was the essence of what I was trying to say. It is just a word. Like I said before, it's not like it's the same as 'allowing' people to eat it.

I have a lot of opinions on this whole 'allowing' people to do stuff anyway, and telling people how to lead their lives and what to believe in or not - but that's a whole different discussion :)

And Painther - yes, I'm 'new' here. I never wanted to be another jaded, ol' soul before this, but I think it will save me a lot of emotional energy if I were to quickly stop being shocked. Here, that is.

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 10:44

Tinker, I wanted to buy a small air raft and noticed that the box had a little girl's picture on bikinis... guess what? They painted her 'body' in blue ink so to make it look like a diving suit :o)

By painther• 13 Apr 2011 10:16

someone wrote

" It is pretty weak to be offended by a word"

I agree!!

By painther• 13 Apr 2011 10:10
Rating: 3/5

Chocaholic, you must be "new" here :), be happily ready for more….

the other day I happen to go to Jarir Book Stote to buy an Atlas , strange, someone destroyed (by marking ink) the Israel from it !!!

come on, it’s for information only, heaven sake!

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 08:57
Rating: 4/5

Without wanting to speak on Chocaholics behalf, I think one of the points is that, no matter how holy, it is kind of naive to pretend that just because you don't believe in something, it doesn't exist!

Pork, pig, bacon...these things exist.

It is curious that someone could be offended by a word really. It is not as if it is smellovision and the smell of bacon is being poured into Muslim homes, it is just....a word.

It is pretty weak to be offended by a word, and besides, doesn't the human mind work like....if you hear a 'bleeped' out word, your cognitive thinking tries to work out what it was anyway.

So those 'offended' will hear the word anyway; just in their own heads.

How soft are we? A word is a word. People offended by a word need to get a life.

By Khanan• 13 Apr 2011 08:56

you are one wise man ;)

Khattak..well said...

as for the work, if you can allow seeing PORK being cooked why you cannot allow it to be listened?? its hypocricey...

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 08:50

brit, then say Jahweh!

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 08:49

Choca actually it was for your own benefit. After hearing p*** repeatedly, you would have started craving for it and it is not available here so you would have been disappointed and heart broken :-P

So to avoid hurting your feelings they beeped it out :D

By britexpat• 13 Apr 2011 08:49

I nearly got stoned for saying Jehovah :o(

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2011 08:48

I can only laugh at some dorks telling people what to say/what to think in the name of their religion.

Let's face it, religion is not the problem... but how people practices it!

By smoke• 13 Apr 2011 08:47

Pork is not an abusive word to be bleeped out for *bleep* sake! Sell us some damn Piggies!

How hypocrite of Qatar to NOT sell pork in the markets but its readily available on the American base huh?

By happygolucky• 13 Apr 2011 08:36
Rating: 2/5

chocaholic...its not the question of whether something exists or not...and since (as I understand) you are talking of viewing a TV programme here, if a certain word is considered 'unholy' it obviously would get bleeped out, nothing shocking about it as far as I am considered ... come to think of abusive words bleeped out on Indian TV channels even though India is more relaxed as compared to Qatar...guess the meaning those words carry cannot actually be put to use by anyone but still they are not allowed to be heard by the audience same as "letting 'the word' being heard is another thing - not like it's the same as allowing po*k (there, I've said it) to be sold".

By Uranus1• 13 Apr 2011 04:30

I could see them not airing the program at all as it depicts something that is forbidden--for the same reason they might not show a Food Network special on selecting wines.

But to show the act but then bleep the word is asinine, as the word 'pig' is not forbidden, but the eating of it is.

Yes the anti-QL facebook page is hysterical--basically one angry dude with an obsessive-compulsive disorder who hates free speech trolling through QL to find anything he finds offensive and then cutting and pasting it into facebook. When you see your QL ID mentioned, you know you are really getting to him! lol!

By Eagley• 13 Apr 2011 03:38

The soft approach then goes to fuel the criticisms that the media indisiously brainwashes the audience - but then again, as I said, everything works both ways. Others have been doing it for ages but no one notices it until now. Why?

Know the saying about not trying to take the speck out of one's brother's eye while there's a plank in one's own eye? Cheerio!

By Eagley• 13 Apr 2011 03:35

Liberalism - hmmm... from whose perspective?

It depends on the sensitivity of the audience and many mindsets are fixed in their thinking. It takes a lot to have them see another side other than their own. And everything works BOTH ways.

But having said that, of course, the gentle way doesn't work for many and sometimes, you just gotta give 'em all a (or several) double whammy! But then, always good to try the soft approach first.

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 01:16

Saeedkhan alert! What, your Facebook anti-QL page aint getting you enough kicks?

By chocaholic• 13 Apr 2011 01:15

I just got back from a fabulous and fun dinner, but reading a lot of these posts has been a rather unappetising reality check.

Azilana - that's very mature of you. On the other hand, I am still prone to being shocked.

Happy - just because the content is considered 'unholy' here, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's just childish. And anyway, letting 'the word' being heard is another thing - not like it's the same as allowing pork (there, I've said it) to be sold.

By happygolucky• 13 Apr 2011 00:17

Yep, no biggie for me either.... knew how the word is viewed even before landing here.

By azilana7037• 12 Apr 2011 22:55

and I did watched that episode where they erased/muted the word "pork".

Its not a surprise for me as I AM in the GULF, in an arabic country. Fox Series is just following the guidelines.

No biggie, really (for me) :)

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 22:14

jervis, MOD is washing his socks, let him to come back once ;)

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 22:00

Alter Dusty said anyway, to each his own know, ...

anyway, to each his own, but never knew U too believe on anyone saying.

Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1754157#comment-1846471#ixzz1JKwxkOGL

I never said I BELIEVED it...I said it was told to me.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:57

krazzy_sailor said nomerci ...

if u can't thn pls don't comment a statment for any religion

respect all religions - Humanity

Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1754157#ixzz1JKwRciht

Say what?

And i DO respect all religions.

By flanostu• 12 Apr 2011 21:53

australians are ignorant. using a carrot would've appealed to the worldwide masses.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:52

I think Rakshas confused what the P*** word was in the title; added an extra letter...

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:51

Request to MOD:

can U please remove or scroll down "Afghanistan" from the list?

Many are abusing this name.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:46

shhhhhhhhhhhh you silly little troll .....bye - bye.

By stealth• 12 Apr 2011 21:41

the cycle is back....

religion bashing, nationality bashing, and then QL'ers bashing, before things go silent.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:40

So, we have gotten to an age where nomerci can only say something if she can provide a link on the internet!

so she cannot be relied upon as a source?

you do know that the internet is made up of normal people posting? It is not an authority.

plus, 99% of news organisations report on things that are 3rd hand experience! you think there was a CNN reporter on the shoreline in Japan?

By snessy• 12 Apr 2011 21:37

Not surprised at all! This is why I prefer watching TV on my slingbox, nothing is censored. I get all programs from the UK, I feel corrupted but I like it :-)

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:35

joke a part i shared my best to take this thread at least to second page ;O)

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:32

anyway, to each his own, but never knew U too believe on anyone saying.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:32

oh and alter dusty, it is clear from my post that this info was 3rd hand....

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:29


in that case U may say "3rd hand information, but never heard as i said in my post in any Masjid from Imam", and as we know Imam's are an easy target to hit, this might be the reason for Quoting him.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:29

Well, I was told the imam DID address the people in the masjid.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:28

Sure Alter Dusty, could be so.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:27

Imams are supposed to address people in Masjid.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:23

and alter dusty, nobody but you mentioned curses or the "discussing of porn movies in the masjid". I NEVER said that. It was mentioned, that is all I have been told and relayed here on QL. Please do not put words into my mouth that I have never said.

Thank you.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:20

Alter, did you happen to read my post? If not, you might want to do that.;)

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:15

Khattak, rightly said, but discussing Porn movies and cursing west for this in Masjid????? For God sake Yara, this is too much ever i heard/read on QL.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:13

krazzy, sorry, I'm not a magician, I can't provide a link on something that somebody has experienced and then told me.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:12

We do not show porn to our young people but we so start sex education very young and we perhaps go over the top a little bit in some peoples eyes :-)

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 21:12

khattak true.

Alter Dusty, let me explain.

In the West, as you may know, sexual education is a class taught in schools. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Of course, there are drawings, very simple ones, of naked people,sexual and reproductive organs. and educational films might be shown on those subjects too.

Now, in other societies, like the one here for example, this can be classed as porn. This imam, i am sure, has never seen any of those books or films used in those schools....he may have heard about it...and voila, you get statements that are completely wrong.

as simple as that.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:08

I agree with you - it is a bit daft to censor what is basically a food product.

I don't think it will harm anybody at all if the word 'pork' is uttered.

I happen to find it amusing now and very hypocritical - an example that springs to mind for me - took the kids to see a new film called Paul the other day - really funny - they cut a kissing scene but allowed (in some people’s eyes maybe) - offensive language).

Now mine are old enough to know that it is wrong and they would never dream of using it - however on that day there were quite a few local kids who in my opinion should not have been allowed into see the film and they were actually copying the bad language.

The word pork compared to kids using bad language - strange priorities.

By KHATTAK• 12 Apr 2011 21:05

Alter...we have so many misconceptions about west...they have too many false impressions in their minds about east. Its vice versa...nothing unusual. Learn to live with it.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 21:00

Mr Khattak Please check your inbox i have sent you a message,

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 20:59

i didn't said in that way, but living here for 24 months, and back in home 26 years why the hell i didn't hear this great info in any Masjid from any Imam?

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 20:57

So then, Alter Dusty, you are saying that I am lying?

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 20:55

Khattak, lets keep away our boring chat, look at info posted by a reliable source here ;)

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 20:49

choca, if I told you some of the things I have heard since in the ME...you would probably fall over!

Let me give you a little snippet.....in the West, porn is taught and shown in films to young kids in school ( the person who told me this was 100% convinced of this, since it was told by the Imam in the mosque, here in Qatar)

and that is by far not the worst.

By KHATTAK• 12 Apr 2011 20:47

Think Positive. You are paying...means you are his employer now. Enjoy the new status :P

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 20:45

Khattak Mashra, Golden days has gone, i'm paying back to my employer for last few months :((

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 20:43

choca, they are almost retired Qlers with long history on QL, just wait for many faces who don't miss a chance specially when they have a topic like this of their own interest ;)

By KHATTAK• 12 Apr 2011 20:43

Wats up Alter...long time no see :)

By chocaholic• 12 Apr 2011 20:40

I think your prediction is way off :) With 'hardened' QLers like Nomerci, Brit and MJ, who are just not surprised anymore, I'm one of the few still-wide-eyed and wondering ones, it seems.


By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 20:32
Rating: 4/5

btw, discussed issues of same family if not only this zillions of times on QL, but no use.

Anyway, i can predict this thread till page 3 within 18 hours.

By mjamille28• 12 Apr 2011 20:20

why am I not surprised....

By chocaholic• 12 Apr 2011 20:16

I've heard that one even in Sicily. Ill-fitting jacket, purple pants 'n' all.

But this is in a different league of 'offensiveness', isn't it? It's just an animal, for cryin' out loud.

Brit - may I be granted your patient grin.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2011 20:15


today afternoon i was watching "Tom & Jerry" on a TV channel (don't know exactly channel's name).

Now, I don't know whether I should still be shocked why the hell Jerry is unable to catch Tom?

Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1754157#ixzz1JKWTy5R4

By britexpat• 12 Apr 2011 20:10
Rating: 3/5

I am not disagreeing with you. The media and the censors cater for all sorts. Societies evolve at different rates. I'm sure that in not too long, this will be done away with...

Till then, grin and bear it.. ;o)

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 20:07

well choca...I suppose...see, for me, when it comes to those things...ignorance is bliss....or , depending on how i feel that day, I find it mildly amusing. But shocking...naaa, been way too long in the ME to be shocked...

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 20:05

Chocaholic...like Ahmed IllFitting Dinnerjacket saying there are no gay people in Iran. See....;)

By chocaholic• 12 Apr 2011 20:04

And what about 'Babe'? That pig was probably too cute to be shown in cinemas here...?

By chocaholic• 12 Apr 2011 20:03
Rating: 2/5

No, I didn't know.

Brit, well - I had a feeling I shouldn't be shocked, but the point is not who is watching it and their liberalism.

The point is that it is silly to PRETEND that something you don't like doesn't exist. Like I never heard of muting 'beef' for the Hindus on a show in India.

By britexpat• 12 Apr 2011 19:52
Rating: 4/5

Yes, it is a naive comment. You should not be shocked. The program is watched by millions of people in the region with varying degrees of liberalism / conservatism.

When you are talking to a friend, you don't need to "bleep" yourself because you know exactly what the stance of your friend is on such issues.

By nomerci• 12 Apr 2011 19:52

You do know they blacked out little Piglet from the "Winnie the Pooh" books.....?

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