What would you do
Saw this headline and story..
The post is not so much about the story, but your reaction...
I remember I saw a snake in a field once and ran away fast..
Do you check for things before using the toilet ?
If you saw a snake or creepy crawly - what woul;d you do ?
Girl finds 7ft snake in toilet
A seven-year-old girl lifted the lid on the family loo - and found herself staring at a seven foot long boa constrictor.
Police in Hanover, Germany, managed to photograph the monster snake and call in wildlife experts before it disappeared back down the U-bend.
Wildlife experts believe the snake was once a pet and had escaped from a nearby home using the sewage system to move around looking for food.
and call maintenance!!!!!
Brit after a few such incidents in the neighbourhood, someone lodged a complaint about the presence of snakes in the park. Municipal officers came and lit up a huge fire to flush out the snakes and burn them. I don't think any little one made it through that. No snake incident now for the last 10 years.
Did you stop to consider that the poor snake may have little ones waiting for it at home ?
Twice came across snakes while doing some gardening in our lawn. Once the snake itself ran away or should I say slithered away towards the open park opposite our house before I could get over the shock. Second time me and my friend killed it using sticks.
to be honest i will sh^&t in my pans :P lolzzzz
I would slam the lid down and run away screaming like the girl I am - then shout for my hubby - and if was not in - run out of the house at a great rate of knots.
OK.. so , you lift the lid and see one..
What would you do ?
I hate snakes so I always check the toilet beforehand...
i killed one when i was 13 it was 1.5 m
but i liked the most stepping on scorpions.
but it has been a long time since i face one so i don't know my reaction.
why lizards?
screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm ... n run... well , i used to do the same on seeing lizards too...
LOL. Perhaps. ;) I don't know. The old behind the back of the head trick worked with garter snakes in my back garden, but I'm not sure it works with a 7 foot boa. :P
Wouldn't he be "constricted" by your actions :O)
i would close the toilet lid and prob scream .....
i once went to a loo at a clients office and there was this massive spider in there..... now this was first thing in the morning ....and well i screamed the office down :D niceeee .......no one else was able to use that toilet ( women) for the rest of the day eheheheheheeheheh
Colt, thing is, it won't impress the snake much.
It's a boa? Grab it by the back of the neck, where the jaw meets the neckbone and find a bucket with a lid to put it in. New pet. :)
I'd go with nomerci's comment... bring the house down with the expletives :-P
bashed with my shoe. chopped up with a machete.
You remind me of my Cuban. What a Woman :O)
Oryx, why are snakes so attracted to you? :-P
I had a green mamba snake next to me in Uganda. I stayed perfectly still till it went on its way. Twice I had coral snakes in my house in mexico. One I bashed with my shoe the other I chopped up with a machete. I love animals but these were highly poisonous creatures.
Luckily I have only been confronted with frogs in the bathroom and one time a big iguana.
Snake appeared while "S***ing" what to do?
Nomerci I wish to stand outside your T'**t, to see the effect
I don't remember eating that!
RUN! And mutter some expletives, I think.