Which one you will choose???
In the market of new generation of laptops,Ipad is one of the first touch screen laptops.
But other companies starts to invade the market with their new products.
some of them with ios or android or...etc.
Which one you will choose and why
I-pad 1
I-Pad 2
Hp tablet
Samsung galaxy laptop
or if you have another option please add it and tell why.
Thankss :D
N.B:i think old computers are becoming to be for other uses like the coffee- maker :P
there is a lot of factors
1- price
2-operating system
4-flexibility in supporting programs.
An Apple Powerbook, probably, one_shot.
now which one you will choose for personal computing??
why pink???
is it enough that our comments in QL are pink :P
No prob. one_shot.
No brit, sadly not, but you can get a furry cover for it! ;)
you beat me in this
Does the Samsung Galaxy come in Pink ?
Okay, one_shot, then tell me please how to turn a laptop into a 24 channel digital recording machine with 2 SLI video cards? And, yeah, I need at least 16 GBytes of RAM. And the minimum is a quad core processor.
maybe, it is an idea
but this problem can be solved just like the external dvd-driver for mini note books
from BB? right?
but why ? is there any particular reason??
one_shot, I don't think that you are even able to add a professional video card, or a professional audio card!
you can't take a PC with you to a meeting or when you are hanging out with friends.
you mean all these computers above are for day life activities?
but they can develop them to be professional.
No laptop is suitable for professional computing!
now thats one kickas machine
i would rather assemble a pc with that amount
I prefer a net book. 64GB just doesn't cut it for me.
Like the coffee machine though :o)