Who do you think cheats more?
By samir_yassir •
All QLrs can we all state who cheats more men or women and please if we are going to judge any we should at least justify our judgment, so I hope we will get to the bottom of this because we will be getting a study about that soon after we get enough answers on this thread.........
how much is the 'member"ship charge?
it's 6.99 $ a minute if you're a Gold Member! :)
nobody is more or less...they just cheat each other.
I am not getting answers over here I want you to answer and for other sicknesses to be taken out of this thread, just a simple answer who is more female or male and why?
A man talks dirty to a girl, he is a pervert and can be jailed.
A woman talks dirty to a man, it's 9.95 $ a minute :(
Rishimba said "there are more whores in the world than there are gigolos.."
But Rishi remember...a lot of women dont have to pay for sex ...
Hey Ghazalz you signature lines are very good. Good job
It's not a matter of thinking it's easy. It's a tried and true common occurance!
Sure Sandman all yours buddy. If you think it is so easy then you are way too ahead of all of us!!!!!
You spend way to much time on the computer and not enough time where Happily married women are!
THANK YOU, all you PW Husbands out there!
No second thoughts...men!
I said normally sandman. It is not done so just on a whim. There are cases where a happily married woman does indulge in casual sex but these are just exceptions.
Mehnis, you need to wake-up and live in the real world.
Who do you think lives in your fantasy world, besides you! Lots of "Happily Married Women" will drop their panties in a heartbeat when given the chance.
Why so many trips to the market or shopping?
Well WK quite a thoughtful is'nt it?? A mate will leave when there is proof of emotional attachment and a relationship but not for a one night stand. Women would normally not do a one night stand.
mehnis, cheating is all about sex outside marriage. if you desire or admire your neighbour's wife and dream of having sex with her, can you be called a cheat?
I'm glad all of you "think" that men cheat more and trust your wives. You guys keep on believing that...... It makes it that much easier for me to enjoy "Cheating Wives, Cheating Sisters, even Cheating Mothers and Cheating Daughters"
scratching my balls :(
am confused as hell :P
I dont know the grading scale for women, but in school 3 out of 4 was always a passing grade :)..
Draccy...he is into horses...obviously.
I am diverse , play centre forward, but not too well equiped.. However, I am available ...
*scratchin' his head badly...*
leave it simple! :)
Dracs you guys were just talking very casually of 'slam bam thank you ma'am'. I just felt you need to put on your thinking caps on and work those grey cells on a topic which is relevant to any relationship.
Women are predisposed to creating offspring from the most genetically competant males that try to gain their attention. Not to mention diversity of genes is better for the respective offspring, so when a diverse, well equipped male comes along the female is compelled to mate.
Also, like in a game of soccer (i guess football to most of you) the forwards are given more opportunities to score, so they are the ones with the most goals.
*scratchin' his head...*
Mehnis..why you made this thread so complicated? :)
Well 'cheating' is the real description for a mate looking for a 'relationship' outside marriage including sex and it just not a one night stand.
Now you've confused the hell out of me...
Does the word cheat encompasses everything outside a marital relationship including a man going to a whore or a woman indulging with a gigolo? Or does it really mean having an extra marital relationship?
I know someone who cheated in his exams...
jack, there are more whores in the world than there are gigolos..
For a man to cheat there has to be an equal number of females...who are accomplices. 1 man needs 1 woman to cheat? right?
It cannot happen alone....
So DrMana is correct and gets the prize.
it's cold there, WK...and the men with skirts...you know!
uhhh wait to turn off my AC..it's cold here :P
So do women cheat more in scotland :P
May be men cheat more...
yes rishi you are totally correct who cheats more?
Man thats a good answer yet as drmana says we have come across so many females do the same too, and nowadays we can't say so females uses pants as much as males lol so its vise-versa theory
drmana, the question is, who cheats more.
dracula, its like this..men have to put their pants down and women have to lift their skirt up.
gravity helps the men...its faster.
Lol ok.....I can't disagree when Men are accepting that they cheat more. But I have seen many females do that as well. So still my answer is Both....
Men cheat more!!!
Because the speed of a man with the pants down it's smaller than the speed of a woman with the dress up.
its an understatement drmana..
rishi, to put it clearly....you think Men cheat more??
prehistoric men were hunters who would hunt animals for food and women would cook and take care of the kids in the caves..
this skill has gone into the DNA of the men...it doesnt matter what they hunt..they are now born hunters..
most of the time you would find them hunting females...also, for most men, sex has nothing to do with love. for women, love and sex are linked strongly.
the above is the justification of who cheats more and why.
Ok,you got one! :P
No drmana Males, females, shemales, eunuchs they all cheat.
WK, there are only 2 :-P
Humans of all sex cheat
Because both are humans will similar desires from life :-)
Why please ?