Whos in to help out
I posted the thread earlier about " babies born out of wedlock " please read if interested.
After talking with this with Xena we think it would be a good idea if we could set up a group to
Go and visit the babies who are in care and play with them and give out care packages - i have just learnt this is possible out here
and two visit the mothers of the babies in prision and give them care packages ( not sure how possible this one is am working on finding out an answer)
so who is seriously up for this?
lets all try and put back into the country which pays our wages
i am interested, but needs to know the legal aspects of such involvemnt here in Qatar
count me in for these type of things. just say when.
Can you please send more information?
there are ladies who collecting care packages for them ... i have posted it in the other thread. x