Why is everything so PINK?!
I log onto QL today, to find everything so PINK..
obviously qtels having fun with its new "fuel your senses" campaign, but comon, pink??? anything abit more neutral perhalps?
in addition, is it me or is QL going on a sell out rampage?
Anyways, my senses have been "fueled" up enough and I aint clicking regardless of endless "click HERE now" icons that surround me. huh
who the hell took my pink folkadot boxers!!! GRRRRR!!!
I just can't forget it. Pink thong!
oops, sorry i forgot about that... :P
Pink thong, mjamille. Isn't he always pranzing about it?
lol Boston, are u sure... :P
Nothing wrong with pink underwear!
He has pink underwear, mjamille!
hey brit, you gotta match the QL background so everything should be pink... :P
That would make me look like a pimp :O(
would you mind putting on some pink shoes and pink sunglasses?
The shoes are wrong!
what's next??
lol brit, you look like UkEng in that pic, without the hard hat.. :P
You can either complain or like me go with the groove,,
as long as Qtel paid them..
at least...our senses work...lolzzzzzzzzzzz
thats "GOOGLE ADDSense" my dear.. do your research :P
you have no idea that a click on those add here equals money?
what kind sense does this Qtel AD fuel in you? I just don't understand. objective of AD / message conveying part! just wondering, is it just me ?
A man chases a woman until she catches him. ~American Proverb.
the Pinky Day 09 Dec
ok so Qtel pays QL for these adds
Qtel 0, QL 1, Users 0
We pay Qtel for surfing the net and QL
Qtel 1, QL 1, Users 0
theyre making money, wheres our cut??
Aim for the stars..
Reach the roof
This is brilliant..
My Pink KIA is now QL compliant.... :O)
Catsniper is right. It reminds my Britxpat's Pink topic.
"Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man" - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Let us enjoy the pink since QL is getting paid for paint job.
A man chases a woman until she catches him. ~American Proverb.
decided to celebrate with Qtel by wearing Pink all pink everything pink.
It did seem abit akward when i found nothing after searching pink (while checking if it was previously discussed)
thanks for assuring me that im not alone
Aim for the stars..
Reach the roof
follow the link for some insights and comments from the Qlers