Why powerful MEN did stupid things?
Presidents, CIA Chief, IMF Chief, famous sports personalities, politicians..etc..etc they all might have got the answer now why they acted stupid when in Love/cheating. Blame it on the chemical changes happend in their Brain...their reasoning was totally shut off...hahaha
Decoded: Why love makes us giddy, nervous>
LONDON: Researchers have mapped the chemical changes that occur in a person's brain when he falls in love and discovered the areas that activate and shut down during the heady days of courtship. Scanning technology allows neurologists to unravel the mystery of why love can turn us giddy, irrational and even ridiculous and make us nervous and unstable.
Researchers hope it may also one day reveal why a few of us might overstep the mark when dealing with the object of our affections, the Daily Mail reported.
They found the frontal cortex, vital to judgement, shuts down when we fall in love. MRI scans show this de-activation occurs only when someone is shown a photo of the person they adore, causing them to suspend all criticism or doubt.
"When you see someone you are passionate about, some areas of the brain become active. But a large part is de-activated, the part that plays a role in judgement," Semir Zeki, professor of neuro-aesthetics at University College London, said.
Zeki believes the brain may behave in this way for "higher biological purposes" - it makes reproduction more likely. If judgement is suspended, the most unlikely pair can get together and reproduce. Studies have shown brain chemical dopamine is at higher levels in those in love, the report said.
Dopamine is key to our experiences of pleasure and pain, linked to desire, addiction, euphoria, and a surge may cause such acute feelings of reward that it makes love hard to give up.
As Lyndon Johnson said, the two things that make leaders stupid are envy and sex.Macbeth kills a king out of envy. Egged on by an envious Iago, Othello smothers his wife out of a crazed fear of her having sex with his lieutenant.
Now another charismatic general has shattered his life and career over sex. When you've got a name like a Greek hero, and a nickname like a luscious fruit, isn't hubris ripe to follow?
Why blame the poor guy. he was such a dedicated, honest and harworking military person and in charge of Uncle Sams spying operations and that was until this thing called Paula Broadwell came on to the scence. Looks like woman like this one are the major cause of the american love stories having a messy ending
pixiqueen, so they did. And I think one thing has nothing to do with the other.
and i lost all my hairs frm my head, wat u have say abt it ? :( oh and it was rational to me.
MissM..when we lose rational thinking it will effect our job and life.
Nothing, but sadly many men lost their respectable positions because of their such antics.
I just don't get why people stick their noses in other people's private life??
What has their cheating or not cheating to do with their job?????
Of course not. But my cheating or my husband cheating should have no effect on my job.
MissM,its a pvt thing. But it can happen to anyone, even to you and me. Any guarantee that our partners dont do this when they stop thinking straight?
fortunately we men have two heads..when the first one shut off the blood rushes to the other head.
What would stop him from doing that with his wife Brit? Surely you also don't get to his position without learning how to do a security check.
How does it affect their job in the long run?
.. and here is a nice picture of the happy couple in the good old days
Miss Mimi - It certainly affects how they do their job atleast in the long run and thats one reason he was quick to just leave
In Patreaus'case, national security may be compromised. He may divulge secrets to her in a moment of passion - honest :O)
Who cares? Seriously, it's a private issue between them and their wives & mistresses. It doesn't affect how they do their jobs.
later they will sale antidote for this..:)
While trying to build their nests their pea sized brains and mind seem to be working in over drive to get to the choclate and in doing so they choose to ignore or not to bother about the end result of this escapades. Just wondering if this Petrauess used his cigar in the strangest places too like clinton
"When you see someone you are passionate about, some areas of the brain become active. But a large part is de-activated, the part that plays a role in judgement,"
this means that it was the biofrpher and not Patreaus who was at fault. Just as Mark Anthony was with Cleopetra :O)
What's the point of being powerful if you can't do stupid things?
The fact remains that even those powerful people at the end of the day are just mere mortals, prone to failure and making mistakes like all other human beings. Sadly for them though their errors and short comings were trumpeted all around the world and back, costing them their careers, reputations, family life etc.
It is men, not just powerful men, that often do really stupid things... :D
Any regrets Spock? yes its a pvt issue. But these pvt people are accountable for their actions. Their families also got feelings.
In any case, it's a private issue.
and the funny thing is that this leaders who are actually supposed to be role models for others were actually teaching and telling the guys below them to do things the proper and honest way while they were going about things exactly the opposite way. Its like one of those local managers giving big talks but having very little idea about the task at hand or how to go about it.. and please do not blame it on the chemicals or the moods in the brain.. blame it on the evil thoughts and attitudes of this leaders
lol... no wonder love is 'blind'... this explains it all.
Britexpat, this is not about powerful men/women only. I just highlighted powerful men. Similar things happen with ordinary people as well that's why children do stupid things in love and hurt parents. Men do stupid things to please their wife and ignore his parents and siblings.
There is a small correction LOVE should be read as LUST..lol No one else exist when in love/lust. Only that one MAN/WOMEN is in their mind and body, everything else go blank!
The simple fact is that both powerful men and powerful women have that aura about them and are attractive to the opposite s%x.
I'm on a dopamine high
andddd.. there you go!! my frontal cortex shutting down after reading your thread .. Oh, i'm falling in love !! :P
Does not apply to me as I am not powerful..:(
Yay! now we have scientific excuses to cheat :)
Let me ask Bill Clinton, and I will get back to you!
Pixie - my Frontal Cortex has shut down completely....
blame it on that person itself