Arabic Words for Today
Hi, guys! For today, we will learn how to describe our girlfriends (and wives, of course) or boyfriends (including husbands?) in Arabic.
wasiim -- handsome
jameel -- pretty/beautiful
bashi' -- ugly
As before, our Arabic-speaking friends especially Mr. Osama will later provide some more information or clarification.
thnks again... & osama .. gr8 job frnds....
there's a difference between matr & matar, but we took it as a joke, later lp amazed us by telling the right meaning of matar qadeem :b
what edifis said is partly true coz
Mat'r = m6r = rain
Mat'ar = m6ar = airport
RS, this kid doesn't know what it means. I've been wondering why edifis included it here. Please explain.
lp, are you kidding! coz a kid even knows meaning of matar-qadeem, lol
matar qadeem = airport old
rofl edific, nice explanation.
ana ams kunta mojod hunak, lesh ma jait.
i was there yesterday, why did you come?
mataar gadeem = rain old.
Thanks a lot, mam_84! Really appreciate your contribution in this thread. We are learning a lot today.
the men like to say for them
Wassem (m) = Handsome either than
Jameela (F)= Pretty
lateef (male) = Cute
Ra'ha (Female) = gorgeous
i hope to answer you question
nice one thanks
True, patrick.
You're right, LP. But, then, gays don't really consider themselves as males. This is why they go to restrooms for females.
Except for gays, dpatrick.
Thanks, Mr. Osama.
I think "jameel" for male is more commonly used for things that are masculine in gender, since men generally don't want to be described as pretty or beautiful.
helo = 7lo = pretty/beautiful (male) local
helwa = 7lwa = pretty/beautiful (female) local
Lateef = cute/gentle (male)
Lateefa = cute/gentle (female)
Waseem = handsome (male)
Jameel = pretty/beautiful (male)
Jameela = pretty/beautiful (female)
Kabeeh = ugly (male) formal
Kabeeha = ugly (female) formal
Bshe' = bsh3 = ugly (male) local
Bsh'a = bsh3a = ugly (female) local
Sabah a'noor, Rizks! I'm sure your wife says the same about you.
how about cute& gorgeous ? Bald? thnx!
Good Morning and SabaAlKhair batrick !
Ana wasiim va aana zavajti wajid jameel
britexpat is bashi.....:(